The Love Dare — Day 2 — Love is Kind
Today’s Dare was much like (in my mind anyway) yesterday’s dare — except it was more “outward” or “tangible” instead of passive, personal or inward. Whereas yesterday’s dare was a “be careful, little mouth, what you say” sort of thing, I think today’s dare was more: be careful caring, little hands, what you do. However, that said, being kind (as with being patient) also requires great emotional and verbal restraint from time to time.
Not reading ahead for tomorrow’s dare, the coupling of the first two ‘dares’ for the second day was really instructive and encouraging to me. Now, it was encouraging — not because I have so much or so little need in this area but because I really loved the challenge to do more — to be more — for my husband. I don’t have marital strife or troubles with my husband — so, in many ways, I could tend to dismiss this book out of hand and sort of smugly ignore it. But I have chosen to read it and go through journey and the exercises of each day. My reason is much like my reasons are for doing any sort of Bible study or class — I want to improve the things that are already good or satisfying, I want to have ‘blind spots’ revealed (and corrected), I want to know the Lord’s will more and more and I want to learn new things or see things in a new light — and in this case, so that an already strong marriage can be fortified.
I woke up this morning with today’s dare on my mind. I thought of some of the suggestions in the book that were given to shed light on the topic of kindness. It gives suggestions regarding gentleness, willingness, initiative, and helpfulness (with a paragraph of illustrations for each of those). “She opens her mouth with wisdom and on her tongue is the law of kindness.” — Proverbs 31. 26 Now that’s a great way or a powerful admonishment for starting the day right, isn’t it!?
Here’s another quote from this chapter: … But love in its truest sense is not based on feelings. Rather, love determines to show thoughtful actions even when there seems to be no reward. You will never learn to love until you learn to demonstrate kindness.”
Day 2
In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouse again today,
do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.
_____Check here when you’ve completed today’s dare.
What discoveries about love did you make today? What specifically did you do in this dare? How did you show kindness?”
I loved looking for ways to demonstrate kindness — and you know, once again, I found myself doing this in many areas of my life – husband, home and family. As I did specific chores and meal preps, I was especially mindful as to how it would appear or how kind or gracious I could respond to each person or each situation that arose today and I made extra effort to get many things done. O… ack… I just now remembered I forgot to put away a shovel. Ooops. When I answered questions, I thought of my tone and words in replies. I wanted my husband to know that I had prepared his plate especially for him and was cheerful about what he was doing — this was not difficult… he’s very easy to please, very easy to prepare for and to serve.
So, day two: check, check. ;o)
Tomorrow: Love is Not Selfish