Faith Family Heart-Attack-recovery Potpourri Slices of Life

songs for seasons

Just recently I was sharing with my church family the many times the Lord has given me a song for a season — songs playing in the theater of my mind in different seasons.  Through the years, here in this blog, I’ve shared clips of songs or meaningful words that have carried me through difficult […]...
Heart-Attack-recovery my story Potpourri Slices of Life

The recovery road

All the information, booklets, visits from the different therapists and the remarks of different doctors in the days and hours prior to leaving the hospital following my husband’s open heart bypass surgery didn’t prepare me for the recovery road.  Yes, I’d listened intently. Yes, I’d taken notes and appeared to comprehend all the information they […]...
Heart-Attack-recovery my story New Year Potpourri

Looking ahead, looking back

I glanced down at the clock as I pulled into the parking garage.  I rounded the corner and pulled into the same space I’d vacated just 7 hours earlier.    Knowing the segment queue was on the :20’s, quickly clicking through the radio stations, I was hoping to hear one of the morning “phone taps” […]...


Have you considered that the dailiness of God’s Word ever reveals the timeliness and the timelessness of His eternal Word?  I mull this over as I reflect on the weeks gone by… the events of different days and the Co-incidents I was so privileged to see in God’s Word — His living Word — His […]...
Heart-Attack-recovery Potpourri

Homeward bound

As I write this, I’m sitting in a large dining room, high atop a mountain overlooking a sweeping valley, many miles from home.  In many ways, it feels strangely reminiscent of the time we spent in the hospital.  Looking out over the valley, the sun streaming in through the east windows, home seems an eternity […]...

Let pain be your guide

Just as I’d left it the night before, my parking space was waiting for me to pull in.  Up the elevator and down the hall, as  I rounded the corner I heard my husband talking on the phone.  Wait.  What?  He’s making an order. Is he on the phone with Leisure? Leisure is a division […]...
Potpourri Recipes THM THM style Recipes Trim Healthy Mama

THM ♥ mama’s recipes

It’s a beautiful day here!  Sunshine always seems to change my outlook — sort of, no matter what I’ve got to do, if the day’s a sunny one, generally, my attitude is sunny, too!  It’s taken me all these months of ‘working at’ the Trim Healthy Mama plan to get confident enough to begin sharing […]...
Advanced Training Institute ATI / IBLP Potpourri

More ATI / IBLP Baggage & Freedom

A continuation of posts in a series of thoughts looking back on our life and experiences with the Advanced Training Institute and the Institute in Basic Life Principles (hereafter, ATI / IBLP)… I want to say at the outset, that it wasn’t all bad — ATI / IBLP — for  I cannot really accurately recount […]...
Advanced Training Institute ATI / IBLP Homeschooling Potpourri

Unpacking The ATI / IBLP Baggage

What I’m writing about these days isn’t sensational and isn’t unique to me.  It’s not isolated and it’s not rare — at least not in homeschool and/or conservative Christian circles.  It’s probably going on all over the place to one degree or another.  Most everyone who’s been caught up in a particular group/movement/method comes to […]...
Aging Potpourri THM THM style Recipes Trim Healthy Mama umpteenth+1 diet

the comforting hedge

Four months ago I began the THM journey and what amazes me is how simple it’s been to stay the course with no intention or temptation to quit or get it over with.   I’ve never stayed with a plan in my life—but that’s not to say I’ve not tried a whole bunch of plans, diet-shakes, […]...