The Welcome Home Blog for November 2003 The kettle’s on… go get a cup and enjoy today’s blog! You can click on underlined links for topics referenced in the blog November 28, 2003 Well, Thanksgiving 2003 is a now a happy memory. God blessed the day and our time together—All the hurry-scurry and hustle-bustle is over and the memories are sweet. We’re more grateful than ever for the goodness of the LORD, His mercy and gracious care. Providentially , everyone was safe and well, everything was neat and orderly, the food all came together on time and tasted delicious and,…
Go ahead and get a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy today’s blog! Hug your children… love them today; today is all you have. BACK UP YOUR FILES! IF YOU’VE GOT A BUNCH OF IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON YOUR COMPUTER, MAKE A COPY (AND UPDATE IT FROM TIME TO TIME) AND STORE IT IN A SAFE-DEPOSIT BOX AND/OR AT A FRIEND’s OR RELATIVE’s HOME. In light of the floods, fires, etc., it would be very good to make copies of your important papers, documents, policies and take them or the originals and file them in the safe-deposit box, too. I…
Go ahead and get a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy today’s blog! September 2003 September 30, 2003 We’ve come to the close of another month. I continue to mull over senseless tragedies. And then I question—who am I to say a tragedy was senseless? Do I know the mind of God and do I possess understanding of His ways? He Who creates and sustains all life, Who hides the wind and knows every star by name, Who created the fountains of the deep and sits above the circle of the earth, Who is behind and before and is…
- A daily logging of slices of life around home & info on the net. Things that have helped me that might help you, too! Welcome Home Blog to A Christian Home to Our Welcome Page June 2003 blog July 2003 blog Go ahead, get a cup of coffee or tea & enjoy today’s blog! August To close out the month I wanted to just post some verses about God’s commands, the keeping of those commands and the consequences for not doing so. One of the things for which I am most grateful is God’s righteousness. He cannot lie, He…
- Welcome Home Blog a daily logging of slices of life around home & info on the net. Things that have helped me that might help you, too! to A Christian Home to Our Welcome Page Well, go ahead and get a cup of tea… it’s time for today’s blog! Welcome home! Thursday, July 31, 2003 I receive reminders of birthdays from Birthday Alarm—you just sign up and receive two reminders: a week and three days prior to the birthday dates you’ve selected. It’s a neat way to be reminded to e-mail or send a card to someone. The children…
The Welcome Home Blog for June 2003 June 30, 2003 The final day of June! Amazingly the year is half over—already!! Days are long and weeks fly by!!! We’re looking at school sites today… looking for printable worksheets and we came across another valuable site for these. It’s a secular site, so not all the subjects/subject areas will be pertinent to us. I’m sure it’s an invaluable site for teachers… hence the name: Sites for Teachers. We are trying to get lots more schooling in during these days so that when we have ‘vacation days’ we can just totally relax…
A Mother Worthy of Remembrance… No matter who you are, where you live, what your age… the very mention of the word “mother” likely conjures up many emotions. Even when we mothers look at ourselves in the mirror, we undoubtedly have mixed emotions as to who we are, what we do, what we hoped we’d be and what we are becoming. We may think back on memories of our mothers with bittersweet emotion… loving them for who they were or tried to be, cringing with regret for taking them for granted, regretting things they did that hurt us or things…