
CLEAR speech

During a newscast this morning, I’m standing talking to my radio (I know, I know… second mistake) and I’m saying: new-klee-er, new-klee-er, new-klee-er! I hear new-cue-lur.  Again I say:  new-klee-er! It’s: new-klee-er, new-klee-er! I listen on… blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, newcuelur blah, blah, blah, blah, nucuelur… blah, blah, blah, blah newcuelur blah, blah… […]...

Truthy… Truing… True.

It’s all stuff I think about. Pretty often.  Whatsoever things are true…  Truing past events and warding off Truthiness.   The longer I live the more I see that people would rather be -truthy- than just about anything else.  For, really,  if we are truthful, people might not like us or at least might not like […]...

A remarkable offer from Vision Forum


stamps… and we are at war?

I received a mail from a friend of mine this morning… when I see things like this, I’m nothing short of amazed. All things considered http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/eidstamp.asp or… are we at war?...

911 reminds us…

911 reminds us, each one, to say one or two three-word sentences: I am sorry. I love you. 911 reminds us that whatever we have today is all we have… There are no tomorrows, only today’s and yesterday’s and sorrow skips no home. 911 reminds us: “…we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against […]...

Modest Clothing…

Many times in the past several years I’ve written articles or posts on the topic of modesty and/or modest dress. I’ve received letters of thanks and letters of condemnation. I think the letters of thanks are the ones I prefer, but I also appreciate the letters of disapproval, for it is in the reading and […]...

Let every thing that has breath praise the LORD

Glory to God in the Highest…...

looking forward

I sure want to thank all who wrote all the wonderful posts, the kind words and share great ideas and inspiration on the other blog. I’m so blessed by all the different comments, links and reciprocal blogs. It’s with joy that I look forward to the days ahead. I smile today bcz time has a […]...

more changes before the day’s over…...

this is going to go a whole lot slower…

… than I thought.   I don’t think there are enough hours in the minutes of this morning to do the work necessary to make this a recognizable blogsite…….. but maybe after this gray morning clears… and the sun comes out (really!) I’ll be enthused to work on this mess. For now, I think I’ll take […]...