Dear Sisters
Are you feeling alone and in need of inspiration for the task the LORD has given you as a wife, mother and handmaiden of the LORD? Are you in a place that seems difficult, without mentors or encouragement for the narrow path ahead? Perhaps you are what might be called a “first generation Christian” and perhaps you’ve had few role models or godly examples of just how to be a loving mother, how to live and dress modestly, how to care for and love your children or what it is to be a keeper at home. You simply may be looking for some sweet kindred fellowship from someone who’s walking along the same narrow path and can share in the joys and laughter, tears and sorrows, highlights and low-points of marriage, motherhood and homemaking and keeping. That’s the reason for the writing and sending of Letters To My Sisters. I know I sure need inspiration and encouragement for the tasks at hand and I pray the LORD will use experiences and inspiration to be that for others.
If you received TheWelcomeHome messages I used to write and send to subscribers in the past, these letters will be in much the same format.
If you would like to receive Letters To My Sisters, you may subscribe and the letters will come by email to your inbox.
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Mrs. Spurling,
I am so excited to receive your letters again. I really enjoyed them when I got them in the past and was sad to see you discontinue them. You are a great encouragement to other wives and mothers. I wish you lived next door so I could invite you for tea!
In Christian love,
Mrs. Garcia