♫ Never_Walk_Alone We stepped inside the front doorway of our new house nineteen years ago. From that moment, this nearly one hundred year old farmhouse felt like home to me. In my notebook that I carried most everywhere I went was a page of notes — prayer requests, actually. And among those requests were *specific details — astonishingly, right before my eyes, most everything in and about this home that day. I realized that the Lord had, in His merciful kindness allowed me to write that list, pray over it and wait on Him. It was also in His merciful…
In light of Cinco de Mayo, mañana… here you go – a guacamole recipe to go with whatever you’re fixing (you can make it with lower/no fat mayo and it will work just fine). O, and don’t forget to get a bag of *Juanita’s Chips or fry your own *flour tortillas that you’ve cut into wedges. *These are not THM 😉 ♥ Guacamole Recipe Type: Dip Cuisine: Mexican Author: ♥ pamela Prep time: 20 mins Total time: 20 mins Serves: 8 cups Guacamole dip for chips, taco salad, etc., Ingredients 5 Large Avocados 2 tomatoes 1 small yellow onion 2…