Family Gardening Homemaking

Autumn’s in the air…

Each morning I walk around our yard and garden to pray, to sing and to see the changes, the growth and produce each day brings.  And then each evening seems to be the time I walk around our yard and garden in much the same manner… only the mood and thoughts are different — it […]...
Family Homemaking Internet Addiction Motherhood my story

Untangling the wwWeb – part two

This is “part two” of the previous post by the same name — you can read it here.  The reason I’ve entitled this and the previous post: Untangling the wwWeb is bcz it truly is a  tangling or entangling web.  Now, what I hope is understood here is that the web or internet or electronic […]...
Family Homemaking Internet Addiction Motherhood

Untangling the wwWeb

Untangling from an internet bound life is sort of like limiting coffee consumption (but worse. so much worse). You might not even know you’re addicted to caffeine until you attempt to go without it for a day — or, okay, a morning without it.  And then, if you’re addicted, you know it. You really know […]...
Family Internet Addiction my story

So you’re addicted. Now, what?

When the day of my turning point came, I wouldn’t have been more stunned had a wrecking ball come swinging into my kitchen window.  I’m now not so sure if it was the actual event or the combination of that and a heartrending revelation and my subsequent overwhelming grief that I’d squandered precious time — […]...
Family Internet Addiction my story

Things happen; and life goes on.

I thought I’d sort of continue on from where I left off yesterday (and then life goes on).  Things happen; usually a bunch of things have to happen in order to arrest our attention – unless someone yells, Fire! or someone comes in bloody or the phone rings in the middle of the night.  Those […]...
Family Internet Addiction Motherhood my story

And then life goes on.

In the midst of a transition, it’s really hard sometimes to see that things are ever going to change — be any different — than they are today.  It’s hard to see past today sometimes.  Well, actually, it’s hard to see past the moment sometimes.  I’ve found this to be true so many times — […]...
Faith Family More Slices of Life Motherhood

Savouring the Moments

The symphony of birds, buds and blossoms along with the soft greens seem to sing, Springtime’s here; another season’s underway!  With the passing of time, the Lord is teaching me to savour the moments, to watch for the signs of the seasons.  I can’t really recall if , or what, I’ve written much about the […]...
Devotionals Family Womanhood

Opportunities Come and Go

I mull over this phrase from time to time as I consider the many opportunities I’ve had, the many opportunities I’ve botched and the many opportunities I’ve either missed or passed up through the years.  The missed and passed up opportunities have probably hounded me as much or more than the opportunities I’ve botched.  Usually, […]...
Devotionals Essays Family

Daffodils… an encouraging story

A Story to bless you today: Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, “Mother, you must come to see the daffodils before they are over.”  I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead “I will come next Tuesday”, I promised a little reluctantly on her third call. […]...
Family Motherhood mothering from the sidelines Timothy - Ghana

another birthday…

  Another birthday for one of our children.  Another day to reflect on the many blessings, provisions and calling of the Lord on this son’s life — the golden child, the brothers and sisters call him.   We all have a smile when someone says this or refers to him in this manner.  They all know […]...