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Thank you, Shiva

News DuJour:  Amazon delisted that item…
I meant to get this out early this morning.

Time constraints. Dontcha know.

Hello Pamela,
This book is no longer available for sale.
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Best regards,
Shiva M
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“The listing and description of the item was no longer available [at Amazon] early Thursday.”  I’d like to think it was my letter (or yours) that got that item pulled.  What’s more, I’d like to think it was Amazon’s mode of decorum that led to the decision to pull the book.  Though, in reality, had that been the case, the book would never have been placed for sale there.  In the end, it was probably revenue.  Or loss of it.  And Christmastime.

This, from a  FoxNews article: “That doesn’t mean Amazon should be prohibited from selling it, countered Christopher Finan, president of the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression. He said that Amazon has the right under the First Amendment to sell any book that is not child pornography or legally obscene. Finan said Greaves’ book doesn’t amount to either because it does not include illustrations.”

He believes the book is not ‘child pornography’ or ‘legally obscene’ because it  “…does not include illustrations.”    Mmmmhmmm.

The author of the book, Philip Greaves’ purpose in writing the book: “This is my attempt to make pedophile situations safer for those juveniles that find themselves involved in them, by establishing certian [sic] rules for these adults to follow,” a product description read. “I hope to achieve this by appealing to the better nature of pedosexuals, with hope that their doing so will result in less hatred and perhaps liter[sic sic] sentences should they ever be caught.”

The book’s author sought to make “Pedophile situations safer…” ?!?!?!?!   Additionally, “…appealing to the better nature of pedosexuals…” ???!!!???!!!  “…Less hatred…” ???!!!!???!!!!  “…Lighter sentences…” ?!?!?!??!!!?!?!!!  “…if they should ever be caught.”  ?!?!?!!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????

That’s what abusers never get.   They never get it that their behaviour, their addiction, their actions are wrong and they wreck lives.  Regardless of political correctness, this must not be excused.  Children must be guarded and protected from people who would use them to satisfy depraved individual needs.   This isn’t about sexual preference or needs or whatever.    Children must be protected from adults who would use them in any sexual manner – in whatever form: suggestion, written, cinema, drama, virtual, physical, emotional, etc., etc.

The author of the book in question believes his book will be restored at Amazon as there are other pedophile books in Amazon’s inventory.

  • Sad day for Mariner’s fans and friends and family of the beloved Dave Niehaus.  He passed away yesterday — a heart attack — at age 75.  There were two things I loved about Mariner’s baseball seasons… 1.) watching Timothy listen to the game on the radio. 2.) hearing the thrill and excitement in Dave Niehaus’s voice after any spectacular play! Especially a home run!  My-o-My, get out the rye bread and the mustard, Grandma!  My-Oooooooo-My!   It was as if the Mariner’s actually played baseball in our kitchen!  So, it’s a great loss for baseball… for the team and for Seattle.  Dave Niehaus: quite an icon, “the voice of Summer,” Seattle’s legendary voice.  Sad day.
  • It’s Veteran’s Day.  Everyone’s having a SALE!
    Thank you, Veterans, for the sacrifices you’ve made — intending for the safety and sovereignty of our country.


One comment on “Thank you, Shiva

  1. Not going to comment on the Amazon issue….disgusting is the only word…
    Dave Niehaus…very sad….baseball will not be the same without him.
    Veteren’s Day- Very thankful for those who have fought for freedom, but have in recent years had their actions criticized and torn apart, making them the enemies…We are teaching our children the Constitution and history from a Christ Centered perspective to Glorify God for the uniqueness of this country AND to honor all of you…

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