Devotionals - my story

the choice valley

I have Lynda Randle’s beautiful little book, God on the Mountain, which has been to me a book of great comfort..  Though its size is quite small and the pages sparsely filled — replete with great inspiration and beauty.  Wouldn’t you like that to be said of your life?  Though the life might have seemed quite small – maybe even insignificant to many, it was fa life filled with great inspiration and beauty.

I’d like to share a portion of one of the first paragraphs from God on the Mountain:  “Webster’s Dictionary defines a valley as “a long depression between ranges of hills or mountains.”

That’s what much of the early portion of this year seemed to me to be: a long depression between ranges of hills.  Or mountains.    And I knew it.  I knew –unmistakeably– that I was in a choice valley — though some days it truly seemed to be a long depression.  That choice valley was a time of  — great sorrow — great joy — great dependence on the Lord and a time of great reflection and reordering my steps.  Though I’m pretty sure I’d never have chosen it, it was the  very best thing for me — it was the only thing for me!  And I will always praise the LORD for this past year — the year greatest sorrow and the greatest joys I’ve ever known.

Lynda went on to say,  “Even when we can’t always see it, it’s still true.  Jesus is our Provider, our Rescuer, in every situation or need that arises!  Certainly there are times when we all have doubts.  Satan plants those seeds, and we wait in fear, wondering whether or not God is going to show up.  But He always does, and we find ourselves at His feet, asking, ‘Please Lord, help my unbelief. Forgive me for doubting Your love and grace in this valley.’  Even when we’re plagued by fear and doubt, He never fails to come and assist us…”

One comment on “the choice valley

  1. Pamela,

    I have felt very similar the last three years or so…I have known that God is with me, but I could not “feel” it.. I know I would have NEVER chose this path…but God has chosen it for me…and weeded out some ugliness so that NOW, I am walking a closer and purer walk with Christ (even if only a little bit so)and NOW I am thankful for this valley (I am really ready to be out though! 🙂 and can see a small bit of HIS purpose for me in it. My BSF leader shared this and it has been a beautiful picture for me, “He leads us into loss so that He can enrich us with lasting gain.” He didn’t shove me there or force me, leave me there…He is leading me through it…as my Abba Father, my Gentle Shepherd, My Savior who understands…that has helped me so much…If God lets us out of this particular hardship, I can enjoy it with a purer heart…certainly not perfect, but purer than it was.
    Thanks for sharing…I really love Lynda’s singing and she is so sweet when you talk with her in person…I will look for that little book!

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