

rosebulletMy blog journal…  the journey to bake the perfect cake.

I’ve been working on this other blog off and on — more off than on, obviously,  for quite some time.  My husband had secured the biz-name for me a couple of years ago.  And then the site — but I couldn’t figure out how to make the site work and I couldn’t figure out what to share and what not to share and I hadn’t taken enough photos along the way and my phone camera isn’t the greatest and on and on.

I originally thought the site would be a ‘wedding cake‘ site… but then I kept trying different types of cake recipes and so I decided that I would blog about the different ones I had tried.  But, alas, I didn’t write things down along the way and have forgotten pertinent things about different recipes I’d tried from The Cake Bible (Rose Beranbaum) and I didn’t take pictures of the cakes. And then there was that season… you know, the long down-time all spring and summer – and, so, you get the picture.

I now know why it was that I didn’t get things going — besides getting my life back in order — I had to find a reason to write — a reason to share.  So, it came to me — just like this blog is a blog of  things I’m passionate about, so the A Bella Cake blog must be and must contain what I’m passionate about!  I thought, Yes! That’s it: I will blog my journey to bake the perfect cake!

And so… though still wishing I had photographed and written notes about different cakes, I’ve just decided just to get going: right where I am today — with what I’ve got in my hand today — and I’ll just keep pressing on from here.

It did help that my husband set up my page for me and got me going recently.  And it helped totally motivate me even more when he sent me a package from Amazon to encourage me — and encourage me it did!!  I was so delighted when I opened up my very beautiful new book:  Rose’s Heavenly Cakes.

So every now and then I will write a bit in the cake journey blog ♥  which I hope you enjoy as much as I’m enjoying adding to it.


One comment on “Introducing

  1. You have a beautiful site 🙂 More than anything I’m just glad to know you! I just really feel so *blessed* that the Lord would let me learn from you. Thanks for everything and best wishes on your new site 🙂

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