CSA - Family - Society

Taking a stand.

I am posting this (below) directly from a Worldnet Daily Article – you can read the rest there.  I am, and — you should — if at all possible, take a stand.  I don’t very often make the bold statement to boycott things/companies — companies like McDonald’s who, for example, for personal – anti family – gain, exploit families through their seeming “family friendly” restaurants, cheap meals and trinkets that trap parents and children and entice them to buy into or even to simply accept behaviours, movies, entertainment, clothing, toys and other consumer goods that are absolutely contrary to moral or godly living.

I don’t watch many theater movies and I don’t usually care much about what’s going on in the world of movies or Hollywood or all that jazz — and know I am  probably pushing the envelope here — by simply bringing all this up today — but as a mother of girls of many ages and as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, the “mainstream” presentation of two movies “that feature pedophilia” is totally over the top and is an egregious, reprehensible outrage. The innocence and purity of little girls — the obligation of society to guard the young — the sensibilities and morality of our society is at stake here.   Our sick, sick societal norms are plummeting to new depths with these —mainstream— movies.  I am not ignorant to the existence of the multi-billion dollar pornography mill and am not shocked or surprised that this sort of vile garbage exists.

Hate, Not Love, Tolerates Evil

quotebegin.gifBy Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

quotebegin.gifThe founder of Movieguide, a top film-rating organization in Hollywood, is joining a growing call for a boycott of two new movies that feature pedophilia, warning of the dangers that come with themes involving sex with children.

“These despicable movies promote pedophilia, whether intentionally or unintentionally,” said Ted Baehr, who’s well known for his Christian Film & Television Commission work. “There should be a massive public outcry against them. The inclusion of children in sexually explicit films is inappropriate. There also is no excuse for the authorities to allow such material to be shown publicly.”

Baehr cited “Hounddog,” a movie featuring a scene portraying the rape of actress Dakota Fanning, filmed when she was 12, and “Towelhead,” which features 18-year-old actress Summer Bishil playing a 13-year-old Arab-American girl who portrays a “sexual obsession,” experiences “grooming” and other scenes.

“We’ve got to have communities rescue these children. Where’s the sense of shame, outrage, the sense of saying, ‘We’re not going to let this happen,” Baehr told WND. “We cannot do this anymore.”

“The thing we need to do is avoid it,” he said. “These people need to be stopped.”


Baehr is joined in the boycott call by a pro-family organization in North Carolina, the state where much of the “Hounddog” movie featuring Fanning’s “rape” was filmed.

quotebegin.gifUnder the headline “Child Pornography is Going Mainstream,” on the website of the Concerned Women for America, Donna Miller, a chapter leader in the Fayetteville, N.C., area and director of the No More Child Porn Campaign, also said those who are concerned by the film’s representation by Fanning of “a 9-year-old that is raped by a man in his late teens, after he tricks her into dancing naked,” should protest to authorities.  


0 Comments on “Taking a stand.

  1. Pamela~Awesome posting! I forgot where I saw it, but in the past week…I believe on TV or CNN, they were showing this women who developed a line of “high heels” for toddlers and little children. Not only is this one of the worst things for a child’s feet, but I am wondering now how much a part this plays into the sexual exploitation of little girls. This is very sad in the least, and people are duped if they think it is nothing. Satan is creeping in the back door, and trying to wreck lives any way he can. Praise God we have the Holy Spirit to guide us and teach us in all things! God bless you and your ministry, and keep on blogging! Tell the kiddies we all said hello!~Jill B.

  2. Pamela,
    great posting…I had seen this article night before last also…so important that we as Christian parents stand together. This exploitation of children has to end…it is so very disconcerting this sexualization of children that is going on today. With the clothes, movies, and music these children’s innocence is being lost in the world today. We must take a stand.

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