• Potpourri

    valentine’s day…

    Did you miss it? I just received a link for making a cute valentine heart. Yep, a coupla days late. I like Necco sweethearts and I’m always disappointed when I taste a conversation heart that’s not a Necco heart. Anyway… too late for this year, but the Necco site‘s got a lot of fun things. In addition to conversation hearts, I think that brown necco’s were my favourite! O, and I loved Abba-Zaba and Violet Crumble… and Big Hunk and… of course, M&M’s. Why I am not diabetic is the 50,000 dollar question. Maybe it’s bcz dentistry vs. candy consumption…

  • The Church Today

    the illusive secret

    What’s the going phrase? What’s the best read? What’s the best thing to be doing, seeing, saying, wearing, thinking? You’ll find out about it on Oprah. Everybody loves… Oprah. So… what’s the big deal about that? I’m treading perhaps into fiery territory, but I’ll tread… I know, I know… I don’t even watch TV. Today on Oprah, more of The Secret. You can take a look at the content by clicking the different links. If you look into The Secret, you’ll see that author of the book and creator of the DVD, The Secret, Rhonda Byrne, is a follower of…