• Homemaking - Letters to my Sisters - Slices of Life - Titus2

    The Next Right Thing

    Over the years I’ve used a phrase numerous times in all sorts of seasons, mental spaces, homemaking, motherhood, even on this blog — the phrase: do the next right thing.  This concept wasn’t learned overnight and it wasn’t learned easily.  It wasn’t something that came naturally to me — as disciplines of motherhood didn’t come naturally to me. But, from the beginning, God was working in me to will and to work for His good pleasure. –Philippians 2.13. Day by day He has been working disciplines into my life and I share these things with you that you might experience the same:…

  • marriage - ThisBeautifulLife - Titus2

    Nancy’s “Beau-az”

    Nancy's Beau-az, the wedding of Nancy and Robert Wolgemuth, witnessing the commitment they made to one another and the intended picture they represented. It was awe inspiring to experience the magnificent picture and the great-great blessing of the anticipation and hope we have for the ultimate wedding: the soon coming marriage supper of the Lamb.

  • Devotionals - Faith - Family - Homemaking - Titus2

    Keepers @ Home

    [cp_dropcaps]I[/cp_dropcaps]n Titus 2.4-5 we read, in part, that younger women are to be taught by older women to be keepers at home, we see that there must be something to this ‘keeping a home’ for it to warrant teaching or knowledge of skills to do the keeping. This home-keeping, something that needs to be studied, or which requires skill, must also be pretty important or noteworthy for it to be contained in the list of imperatives in the book of Titus concerning what ought to be taught through and to women.  I will add that this ‘home-keeping’ be done well…

  • Devotionals - Journal - my story - Slices of Life - ThisBeautifulLife - Titus2

    The Current Truth

    I began working on my new This Beautiful Life journal/planner/notebook, and once again I’m stymied by my answers.  I see the designated spaces for specific answers and am reticent to write mine down. My tendency is to be very tentative about what goals I write (thinking if I write it, I’ll be committed to doing it).  One day I might only write a few goals — another day I might write down things that would take two lifetimes to accomplish.   My abstract sequential / concrete random thinking style seems to prevent me from ever making a definitive list.  Have you…

  • Devotionals - Titus2 - Womanhood

    the power of communication

    Regardless the circumstance, the importance and power of good communication cannot be understated.  The impact of either good or bad, clear or muddled, distinct or vague communication is powerful.  Think of a time recently when something you said or did was misunderstood by another person; or consider the last time you misunderstood what was communicated to you.  How’d that go for you?  What were the consequences? I’m sharing with you part of a talk I gave last night at our monthly TitusTwo meeting.  As I go along through the years, I’m so grateful for these opportunities to share (and learn!!!)…

  • Homemaking - Preparedness Stuff - Slices of Life

    Tip Time

    ♥ It’s Tip Time! ♥ These tips fall under the categories:  I’m so glad I saved _____ ;  and the category:  Ooooo… saved myself a whole bunch of time and energy by planning for future needs! Yay! Continually in the mindset of thinking efficiently,  make a conscious effort to consider the needs of others–your husband, family, etc., etc.  ♦ A kitchen log and/or a journal will help you put it down and out of your mind = eliminate worry.  Pray the Lord will guide you as you plan, pray He will give you insight for what you need or what…

  • Devotionals - Faith

    The Engrafted Word

    Many years ago, I had the great privilege of meeting, and then getting to know, the dear Florence Turnidge.  That meeting and subsequent friendship would become for me a living example and enduring encouragement.  Florence had such  a love for the Word of God and a zeal for the truth.  My only regret was not meeting her sooner — well, that, and not keeping the habit of regularly memorizing scripture.  To this day I find, stashed throughout our home, evidences of her ministry:  Bible memory cards — key verses printed on cards for memorization. After I began memorizing Scriptures, I…

  • Homemaking - Homeschooling - Letters to my Sisters - Letters to Sarah - Motherhood

    Motherhood: A Call to Carry On

    Carry on.  When you’re drop dead tired and there’re still several hours and as many chores left to do at the end of the day: Carry on.  When you have so much to do you don’t know how you’ll do it all: Carry on.  When you have so many needs to fill and seemingly not enough resources to fill them all: Carry on.  When you’re weary and successes are few and failures are many: Carry on.  When you feel all alone and as if no one cares for what you do: Carry on.  Carry on, Mother, carry on!  Motherhood’s a…

  • Family - Homemaking - Planner - Potpourri

    Chore sticks…

    A clean home is a happy home.  I know, I know, if ever there was a guilt inducing statement, that is it!  But, seriously, think with me for a moment… consider some of the very best homemaker feelings/accomplishments.  Doesn’t a ship-shape-top-to-bottom tidy give you a great feeling?  How about a thoroughly cleaned out garage, a freshly cleaned and ordered pantry, fridge or bedroom closet?  If you stop and think about these sorts of things, you’ll probably quickly remember how great it felt and how smoothly things seemed to run in your home.  Remember?  With the advent of our son getting…

  • Homemaking - Letters to my Sisters - Motherhood - Titus2

    What’s Pulling On Your Apron Strings?

    What’s Pulling on Your Apron Strings? That might sound like a strange title to the message I want to share with you today, but perhaps by the time you finish reading this letter, you’ll have an idea and perhaps realize some things you’ve been wanting to take care of for some time. So, what’s pulling on your apron strings?  You know… the thing or things that nag at you or that seem to be pulling at you from one direction or many.  You may be attempting to work around your home and keep having interruptions or distractions that prevent you…