marriage - ThisBeautifulLife - Titus2

Nancy’s “Beau-az”

diamond_wedding_ringsFor many years, Nancy Leigh DeMoss has been such a great encouragement and inspiration to me through her books, radio programs and other messages.  She’s one of the women the Lord’s used to inspire me to use the gifts God has given me to teach and walk alongside women after the manner of Titus 2.3-5

Her books and teachings have resonated with me — echoing or inspiring messages the Lord’s given me through all these years and so I delight in this next chapter – this next season in her life – now, their life, as she has become bride and wife to Robert Wolgemuth — Nancy’s Beau-az!

I can’t tell you the tremendous joy it was to eagerly anticipate and then to vicariously attend their wedding this past Saturday. I was giddy as a schoolgirl!  O, I know I only saw the wedding via livestream in my dining room, but I was totally there in my bathrobe, a participant in witnessing their vows — witnessing the commitment they made to one another and the intended picture they represented.  It was awe inspiring to experience the magnificent picture and the great-great blessing of the anticipation and hope we have for the ultimate wedding: the soon coming marriage supper of the Lamb.   It is our blessed hope as we look to That Day.  If you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, then That Day is for you, too.  If you do not know Him – know Him as Lord, as your Saviour, as your Redeemer, please write to me, I want to tell you how you can have assurance of Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ.  He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No man — no person — comes to the Father but by Him — Jesus.  There is no other way.  This is the truth.  I want you to know the Truth—it will set you free, it will save you.

I hope you take the time to listen to these messages, that you take the time to “witness their wedding” (yes, it is very long–but so worthwhile!) and I pray the Lord will bless and encourage you in your own walk with Him.  And if you are married, I pray their messages will inspire you to give/recommit your marriage to the Lord, for Him to work, rework, rekindle, and bless you with a marriage that pictures Christ and the Church.  What a beautiful picture – what a marvelous mystery – we read in Ephesians 5!  This is why marriage is so precious and should be/must be guarded and guided by the Lord.  This is why marriage — as created, instituted and defined by God — is so sacred and must be honoured as such.

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