Faith my story

Life’s Greatest Hindrances are its Greatest Teachers

More and more I find that what I used to consider my greatest hindrances were, in fact, my greatest teachers.  I used to believe that my troubles were attributable to lack of finances and consequently, thought all of them could be solved by a surplus.  I considered disadvantages and often almost totally overlooked the great […]...
Devotionals Faith Motherhood my story

The Eternal God is thy Refuge

The days seem long but the years are quickly passing. As I typed that, I recalled saying something similar in the early years of motherhood: the days are long and the weeks fly by.  I never thought about the swift passage of time in terms my own mortality but in terms of our children growing […]...
Internet Addiction Slices of Life


Lots of women do this. Every day they do this. For years I wrote every day. But then a reality check came. And the reality was this: I was so consumed with doing all I was doing that I forgot/neglected what I was supposed to be doing. I think lots of early sites, early website […]...

Regard Not Your Stuff

And so, I encourage you to rest in the Lord... fret not over what God’s doing in your life or where He’ll call you to go or what He’ll call you to do. Regard not your stuff. No matter how things seem to you to be today: God cares for you, the Holy Spirit is ever making intercession for you. The LORD Jesus has taken care...
More Slices of Life my story Suicide

the suicide option

Through our lives we have experiences that are etched on our hearts and minds — experiences that shape our thinking, shape our reactions, shape our responses, shape our decisions — maybe even shape our initial theology or lack thereof.  If these etchings were recorded on 3×5 cards, in time we’d have quite a card file […]...

Welcome Home

Welcome Home. Some of the sweetest words we all long to hear, long to read, long to know: Welcome Home. Some of you have been reading pages of my journal for many years — some, perhaps, for the first time today.  I’m glad you’re here — I’m glad you’ve been here.  I’m a sporadic blogger […]...
my story

Living 99 Years

Living 99 years... determining to finish well....
Faith my story

He’s Writing My Story

Every day, year after year, God’s writing my story.  Every day,  whether or not I can understand the circumstances I face, He has a very good plan for whatever I face. And regardless of my comprehension, His plan is for my good and His glory. I believe this not only because His word says so, […]...
Faith my story Potpourri


I was once in an accident that blindsided me.  It happened in a startling flash! And though nearly four decades have passed,  I haven’t forgotten sitting there in the car, shocked that while making a left turn in a blind hilltop intersection, I’d just been spun around and was facing an entirely different direction on […]...
Motherhood my story

reclaiming former resolve

Resolve. Quite a number of times recently I’ve longed for reclaiming former resolve.  Sort of the embracing of the old paths — things that became such high priorities in former days.  So now, I humbly say, experiences in recent years have really knocked me down and drained my resolve.  Sinking in worthlessness jolted my senses […]...