THM - Trim Healthy Mama - umpteenth+1 diet - Weightloss

THM Jetpack

teacuppamelaLast week as I was describing the beginnings of Trim Healthy Mama and the food plan, I alluded to the printed supply lists that teachers send to the local stores to post in the school supply aisles.  These lists not only help parents to select the specific supplies their child(ren) will need,  but it also ensures that each student will come to school prepared for whatever the teacher’s lessons will require.   Filling their backpacks with the right supplies and tools will set them on the path for successful learning and, hopefully, successful completion of the coming assignments.   Ongoing failure to bring the right supplies and tools in their backpacks will not only prevent the students from doing the assigned work, the students will fall behind and will be sort of doomed to fail from the first day.

Say, for example, the students were to have come prepared with paper and pencils for their math lessons and they were to come prepared to purchase the math books – but then imagine the difficulty the student would have in writing the math problems the teacher had written on the board had the student not brought paper and pencils in their backpack.  Then imagine the student saying the cost of the book was too great and they just wanted to read someone else’s book instead.  That would mean that the student could never take the book home to complete the assignments and they wouldn’t be able to copy the lessons very well in class because of the shared book and the limited class time and the lengthy introductions that must be read for each new math concept.

Maybe I’ve drawn this out too much and it seems to border on the ridiculous as some analogies tend to do.  I guess I’m attempting, once again, to demonstrate the seriousness of understanding the mechanics of the THM plan (or any other intricate diet regimen, for that matter!) and the very specific food or “fuel” combinations, the unique recipes and the corresponding ingredients necessary for each recipe.  Failure to understand the mechanics or the why behind the plan and failure to acquire the necessary ingredients or food supplies will practically be a set up for failure – much like the doomed math student in my illustration above.

I see the negative press about the THM plans and I think: there has to be a breakdown somewhere.  Again, could be any food plan, by the way.  Failure to understand a plan and failure to have the necessary preparations and failure to apply the plan really makes the plan destined to be a failure for the one who, in essence, rejected it by not taking it seriously.   Again, could be any food plan.

So what’s in the THM Jetpack?   First, understand that the Jetpack itself is prayerful resolve – prayer for wisdom and discernment and direction; it’s prayer for understanding and application and the resolve part of prayerful resolve is the resolve to address and the resolve to tackle health issues and out of balance eating or out of control food issues.  This, I think more than anything, is the Jetpack for THM.  Once that’s in place, the Jetpack  (for THM) contains a number of important things… I’ll share about them in THM Jetpack part 2.

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