Potpourri The Church Today

Will there be gentlemen?

I wonder this. I ponder this question: Will there be gentlemen? Will there be gentlemen who guard their behaviour, guard their conversations and the words they choose to use in mixed company or not, men who will refrain from crude or vulgar speech or innuendo? Not much time for blogging as we’ve been covered up […]...
birth control The Church Today

More on Mars Hill

I thought it appropriate to clarify something in regard to my previous entry: Birthcontrol at Mars Hill.  First, I’d be remiss if I didn’t quickly say that I think Mark Driscoll is a good teacher and sound in doctrine.   I think he handles societal issues well — though differently than I might.  But so what.  […]...
birth control marriage The Church Today

Birthcontrol at Mars Hill

In our area lots of folks are drawn to the Mars Hill church in Seattle and ‘tens of thousands’ more who listen on line. I began to watch this lengthy video – it is a sermon, after all, and listened to his take on birth control and what the Bible says about  marriage, procreation and […]...
The Church Today

Another slice of “the church” today

Millions follow the writings of this particular “pastor.” Staggering. Really.  ...
The Church Today

An Impassioned Plea (view & listen)

I love the enthusiasm of this young woman and her love for the Truth.  ...
The Church Today

Be not many teachers

Hmmmmm. Omy.  What an opportunity. Missed. Stephen Colbert interviews Rick Warren (This is show biz — I know that  — the host of the show *is* in show biz… However, thinking minds have to be pondering: is the other man really representing the church in the world?  How would his (pre)occupation be described? Surely the […]...
The Church Today

In the inbox this morning…

Every now and then I receive an email that strikes a chord with me… perhaps punctuates a thought or confirms another study. Well, that’s how this one was for me this morning. As with all the other distractions to what’s going on in our family this week, I see this distraction as a welcome one […]...
Devotionals Potpourri The Church Today

II Timothy 3.1-17

Today in my reading in chapter 3, I found great encouragement when seen in light of the previous day’s reading in 2Timothy and then, what I consider to be, atrocities in the ‘church’ today as i wrote in the previous blog entry.  So, Chapter 2, in summary: “Be strong in the grace that is in […]...
The Church Today


How will these things be, Lord? How will the end times be? I have often wondered. How will the church be deceived and what will come of the church in the last days? So then, I read with… interest(?) no, sadness: this article on A Common Word Between Us and You and I was grieved […]...
Devotionals The Church Today

Let us be not silly women

These verses continue to weigh heavily on my mind in the last couple of years and particularly in recent months as leaders of great multitudes wander from the Truth of the Scripture and the deity and supremacy of the Lord Jesus and of the Word of God. I meditate on verses of promise and trust […]...