• Life in Laodicea - Potpourri - The Church Today

    slip-slidin’ away…

      So, you’re here again today for a visit at the kitchen table.  I’m having a cup of tea… because of some recent health problems, I’m making some radical changes.  Yes… sniffle, sniffle, one of them includes drastically reducing coffee consumption — caffeine, really, and anything that contributes to high blood-pressure and high cholesterol.  I have a little elevation of one and a lot of the latter.    So, I’m trying not to get too caught up in the going’s on.  But it’s really difficult to ignore blatant apostacy.  I mean, as I have written a number of times in…

  • Letters to Sarah

    Dear Sarah…

    [ongoing Letters to my friend…]   Dear Sarah, I’m just checking in to say hello and to encourage you to… Press on. :o) The weather’s changed just a bit and the day doesn’t seem as bright out — and so I got to thinking about you and am just praying that you’re doing well — that you’re not discouraged with the load you are carrying in this season.   So, as I send this, I am praying that you will just be encouraged and just do *one* thing today that you’ve been meaning to get to.  Just *one* thing that’s…