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This Beautiful Life

teapotcupdrawing As I mentioned in my previous post, one evening a month, I have the privilege of sharing a message with a “TitusTwo” group of women.  As I wrote out that message on Communication, I was mindful that there was going to be a presentation by another sister at the meeting.  My friend mentioned that her friend had written a book and would be sharing about it with the group. Thinking  there really might not be time for me to share a message, I still wanted to be prepared — but looking back now, I’m not sure it was necessary for me to share a message that night.  Sometimes best things get covered up by good things. I can say that now, especially since I’ve mulled it over many times in the last few days, that that book was the best thing and could’ve/should’ve been the only thing we concentrated on that night.

I’m so glad to be growing older as I see with the passage of time, there’s less urgency to have things go according to my plan and more necessity to be flexible to walk in the Lord’s steps.   As He leads, I want to follow.  I wish I could’ve just typed: As He leads, I follow.  But the reality is, I’m still prone to wander.

You notice, I entitled this blog entry: This Beautiful Life.  This is the title of the book.  The book is half empty.  Right now, the book is filled with power.  When it’s full, I believe I will be able to tell you the book is powerful.  

the current truth 

I thumbed through the pages… those words caught my eye.  When I glanced at the priority pages… I saw the spaces for different action points, and began to mentally fill them in.  I came to those three words and let them sink in: The current truth.  There’s a lot of power behind those words.  We all have things we think about ourselves — sometimes deceiving ourselves into thinking we’ve got less to work on than we do or less to improve than we really do.  Sometimes we’re duped into believing that we already are pretty much doing the things we’ve planned to do, or that we’re not straying too far from our daily responsibilities.  Then there’s the angle of what others think is true about us and what we think is true about ourselves.  I instantly think of the Lord talking with His disciples… them talking about other people and Him talking about the disciples themselves:  But who do you say that I am?  The current truth is a bold reality check.  Get the book and you’ll understand this application.

Well, you might be thinking that what I’ve just shared is the last thing you need: another book, person, voice, or whatever, to beat you up for what you’re not doing or for what you oughtta stop doing.  No, that’s not at all what this book is designed to do.  But daring to amplify on those three words: the current truth, just may be the unlocking of chains that bind you to a problem or a way of reacting or responding.

So, what is this book, anyway? Chloe wrote this book This Beautiful Life (which is a working book! It’s a semi-guided journal, a planner, a calendar, a mirror) to help you. 

quotebegin…help you clarify your own unique gifts and callings,
and move forward in them with joy…
[that the Lord] guide you in the vision He has for your life.
May this help you become a stronger and more confident woman,
secure in your relationship in Christ and your role in the world.
May you have joy as you go about your days with purpose,
living out your own beautiful life.quoteend

get it.

4 Comments on “This Beautiful Life

  1. It’s a very challenging book… the simplicity of it makes it more complex! ~wink~ Daily I am seeing some more areas where there is a wide chasm of disparity between the desire/plan and the present reality. But, thank you for your encouraging and inspiring words in each segment.
    I will write about it again……………….. I wish all my christian sisters and friends and family would buy the book since it is sort of time sensitive —- but i want to emphasize that WHENEVER a person decides to get it and begin working through it, THAT will be the best time — regardless the actual calendar date.

  2. Pamela, thank you for sharing. I have put this book on my wishlist on Amazon. I would really like to work through it.

  3. It’s a great blessing to me as I’ve begun to work through it, Chloe. As I have written about it, I’m just beginning to see what a powerful tool it is. I’ve got *lots* of books on these different angles—but none so concisely articulate these areas as you have. And, this goes for goal setting, planning, organization, etc., etc. Mostly I appreciate your heart in preparing it—and maybe that’s why i want to use it, work in it, work through it… your heart is in this. Mine will be, too. And I am ready — as I really want to have whatever the Lord is working in me through the use of this book and what I can already see as revealed by my applications.

    Anyway… I’ll be writing more later as I apply what I’m recording. Thank you, again — yours was the message that most needed to be heard. Thank you for that. <3

  4. Oh, Pamela, once again I have to thank you for your kind, heartening words. It is such joy to me to know that you like this little book of mine, and that it is doing some good out in the world!

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