Motherhood mothering from the sidelines Potpourri

Cindy’s “Older Mothers of the World Unite”

I was reading Cindy’s Blog and sort of felt compelled to leave a note for her in her comment section. Now, she didn’t need my input – surely all the other entries were sufficient, but I was compelled, nonetheless. She had set up her writing in such a manner as to almost induce others to […]...
More Slices of Life Motherhood

It’s interesting to be living long enough to see history

repeat itself. I heard that sort of thing from my mother growing up. I read about history repeating itself in school, in letters and in magazines in dentist’s offices over the years. I read about it in Ecclesiastes. The more I read the more I see it. The longer I live I see it: History […]...
Family Motherhood Potpourri

my bookends…

Here are the bookends to my own motherhood… our oldest and our youngest… their birthday’s are twenty two years and a day apart. God’s been so good, so faithful and so true… every day of these 28 years of motherhood… He has never failed. Never. So it is with great joy and great gratitude and […]...
Family Motherhood

The Long Goodbye to the Last Baby

…and it has been a bittersweet farewell. It seems we knew this was the last baby for a long time. Each month that’s passed confirms it and each day the we spend with her reminds us of the long goodbye. It’s not that the last baby is the favourite or that the last baby is […]...

Motherhood means… laundry

I’m not sure which topic of conversation or question generates more questions than laundry or meals for families. I’m thinking that both are either areas of great frustration or testing or are grounds for great victory or great defeat. As for meal times, women generally ask me questions that are more logistical or are more […]...

Motherhood: Mama’s WMD’s

Only in recent years have WMD’s or the term WMD’s become a commonly known or commonly used term.  I think about the devastation of weapons of mass destruction and as I often do, I think of how ‘weapons of mass destruction’ might correlate to the home or motherhood.  It’s a term of war or arsenal […]...

Motherhood… hands and feet of Jesus

It was with shear astonishment that I held my first child – our first child – twenty-eight years ago, and it was with awe and humble amazement that I saw that God had, indeed, given us a precious gift. I saw my Lord and Saviour in a whole new way. It wasn’t just that He […]...

Motherhood… don’t miss it for the world.

I want to share today on a particular matter that I find to be discouraging. I know that it is one of the unintended matters or, rather, the message is unintended, but when a mother leaves her home so that she can pursue “meaningful work,” or “have real conversations with real people,” or to “not […]...
Motherhood Potpourri

Motherhood’s Company Car: it’s a dream car

If the apron is the uniform of motherhood, then the van is motherhood’s company car. Now, when a mother first starts out, she has the starter car… it’s the two door model she attempts to “make do” until she has to move up to the dreaded “mini van.” It doesn’t take much time (or brains) […]...
Motherhood Potpourri

Motherhood: The Life I… wasted?

So, what are you going to do now that you have finished high school? Going on to College? Going to make something of your life? What do you want to do (read: what career are you going into)? Well, first, I want to be a wife and homemaker — Yes, I want to be a […]...