Devotionals Motherhood Potpourri

I will look up

If I look down and see my feet and the rocky ground beneath — or look down and see not my feet but shifting waves crashing all around me, a wave of panic washes over me and I fear I will sink or be washed away in the flood of fear. But, in the most […]...
Motherhood Potpourri

the awesome task

It’s always hard to blog a post when it’s been some time since the previous.  It’s sort of like exercising.  There are a million and one excuses for not doing so or for avoiding the task, but once begun, it’s always a refreshing thing.  And, like exercise with many breaks between, blogging is awkward and […]...
Motherhood Potpourri

revisting books

I think one of the problems with simply borrowing books from libraries instead of buying copies for our own libraries is that we can’t go back and revisit a chapter or even a meaningful sentence very easily. That, and it’s frowned upon to mark up borrowed books. =o) So I was browsing book availability (read: […]...
Homemaking Motherhood

mo betah mothering

So, I’m still going through our home… regathering, resorting, redistributing, refusing and recycling. But the one thing I don’t want to spend anymore time on is rearranging the same stuff – trying to figure out how to keep the same stuff I still won’t need later. It’s been good… I’m thinking that at the end […]...
Motherhood Potpourri

It takes about this long…

You know… I am finally getting why children take so long to grow up.  It’s mothers who need about this long to get the hang of the deal.  And then when we get the hang of the deal, we get calls or letters like this: Well, we finally got here..  the car is actually looking […]...
Motherhood Potpourri

motherhood means dying to self

I’m often surprised at the events or changes each season brings.  Sort of like knowing that snow’s coming but not realizing how cold it will feel or how distracting it will be. Bcz this isn’t the first time or the second or the third… I knew it would be hard to say another goodbye-for-now to […]...

the spectator mother

A phase of motherhood I was never prepared to experience is how quickly I would become sort of a spectator –or that I would become a spectator at all. I just guess I thought I’d always be the mother. The mother-mother. I didn’t even see the spectator-mother signs coming. When the oldest of the two […]...
Devotionals Motherhood

lingering to rush

I always feel like 1 Thessalonians is like lingering over a great cup of coffee and fresh hot bread with butter and jam and then glancing at the clock: and it’s like a race to get out the door to catch a plane. You know what I mean; the times you linger in pleasant conversation […]...
Motherhood Potpourri

A Mother Worthy of Remembrance

A Mother Worthy of Remembrance… No matter who you are, where you live, what your age… the very mention of the word “mother” likely conjures up many emotions. Even when we mothers look at ourselves in the mirror, we undoubtedly have mixed emotions as to who we are, what we do, what we hoped we’d […]...