
A little foodie blog-spotlight from my travels…

So, when I travel, I usually pick up a Sbx coffee… a grandé mocha – extra hot.  So, that in hand, here’s a little trip around the web for your cooking (or just idea gathering) pleasure. So today I was looking for a recipe for cheesecake — one that uses mascarpone cheese.  I’d made one […]...
in the news Life in Laodicea NewsDuJour Society

Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech to Congress

Take time to listen to this…  A free society depends on a virtuous and moral people… The new reforms are only further undermining liberty…...
in the news Political stuff Society

from Joel Rosenberg’s blog

I am posting this post in its entirety — more’s going on than all post-election messes, the CIA mess, and whatever else is being reported as a “top story” in the news…  Eyes on Israel… this is top news.   ISRAEL AT WAR: MISSILES FIRED AT TEL AVIV IDF retaliates by hitting 70 terror sites […]...