
Site Additions & Updates

Very recently I’ve had to update this site (some of the differences are very noticeable while others are unchanged) as I was using a WordPress theme that is no longer fully supported by the WordPress platform.  I began to notice that certain functions were no longer working, necessitating the change.

I didn’t advance with the times regarding the intricacies of technology so I don’t have the eagerness nor the curiosity to explore building another website and certainly don’t possess the depth of knowledge required to even begin to do it. So I’ve been quasi content with the WordPress ‘plug it in and go‘ method of blogging and adding pages.   It is not (to me) nearly as interesting, pretty, unique or rewarding as it was 22 years ago as I began to “build” the AChristianHome website, but I still have the same strong desire and sincere passion to produce/write letters & content and to convey experiences, ideas, inspiration and instruction in good things for women and families,

In the right ‘side bar’ under TWH Pages:
I’ve added a bunch of links to specific pages, articles, etc., on the antiquated AChristianHome website pages. Many are over 20 years old now. Imagine that!!

Hopefully I’ll have more transferred/added in the weeks to come.  Thanks for being here!

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