2 Comments on “…to be an American.

  1. Thank you, Carmen! And, you know… that was the very line that caused me to greatly hesitate posting the video. When I sing along with it, I sing “I thank the Lord my God” in that part of the song. I sure appreciate your kind words and sharp faith! It is a blessing to me!

  2. Just came across your blog, and am truly enjoying it! I do have one negative comment, and hope you will accept it in the spirit it is given. I don’t know why no one seems to have noticed, or maybe it doesn’t matter, but Lee Greenwood’s popular song contains the lyrics “I thank my lucky stars…”
    This may be a small matter to most, but I do not believe God is pleased with someone asking him to “bless America,” and then giving credit to his “lucky stars” for being here. Seems the Old Testament had some things to say about looking to the heavenly bodies like the heathen did.

    Otherwise, I so far am really enjoying your blog.

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