Devotionals - Recorded Messages

My first “webinar”

I had the privilege to present a session of Jennifer’s Morning Motivation webinar this morning.  — and what a fun time it was for me!  I hear the “Go to Meeting” commercials on the radio and the process has sounded great, but I’ve never “attended” an online meeting or webinar before!  So, I’m really glad I got to do it today!  I have sooo missed sharing messages or teachings at meetings and retreats and so to have had this opportunity today was a real blessing for me.

I’m always thinking of things I’d like to share with sisters… things the Lord is teaching me, things I’m reading in the Bible, things I’m learning from experiences and observations about marriage and motherhood.

This is by no means a complaint,  but I must say, though it was a wonderful experience this morning… the one element I missed was the interaction with others or the “face to face” experiences I’ve enjoyed at retreats and Titus2 meetings.  Still, I hope the Lord provides for more such opportunities — it was both encouraging and refreshing to me — and I pray it was so for the other ladies!

When I first began thinking of doing podcasts or recorded talks for my website a few years ago, Wes bought me a few books and we talked over how I might proceed — and yet, it never really panned out — it seemed too daunting or too impersonal — I don’t know… whatever it was, I  just never continued to explore options or to learn the process.  Interestingly, after this morning’s experience, I’m glad to know that it’s really quite simple — that, and it was neat that it didn’t feel impersonal.

O, I was sort of flustered in the beginning as I felt like I was swimming in uncharted waters and wasn’t sure how it was going to go… I kept thinking that I wasn’t doing it right — but then things started to flow quickly and easily and I felt very comfortable with that method of communication with so many different sisters!

Technology is incredible, isn’t it!?!?!?!  It’s simply amazing!  Here I was sitting at the computer talking and sharing images and felt like everyone was right in the room with me.  Amazingly, women in many places, thousands of miles apart,  were seeing the same thing… in-cred-ible!

You can listen to the message I gave: here.

I’m so thankful for Jennifer’s great encouragement and patience as I was learning to do this.  You can see her site here.

blessings to you…

2 Comments on “My first “webinar”

  1. Yes, thank you for that!!! 🙂 I have missed those meetings too. I am really thankful I took notes. It has been a blessing to read back through them.

  2. That was SO beautiful Pamela…thank you for posting the link…I hope you get to do this again…I have really missed the Titus 2 meetings and love to hear the things you share!

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