My husband reads to us at night. He has done this for many, many years. The things he reads don’t always sound like they’re going to be the most interesting and certainly not necessarily ‘entertaining.’ I’m always glad for what he reads, though. It’s never a waste of time — far from it.
Last night he read us a story — the incredible story of survival of a group of Holocaust Survivors… who escaped certain death by hiding in one of the world’s largest caves. You can read this story for yourself here.
God has been so very, very merciful to us all. I kept thinking of the times we’ve fretted life… considering our small. small. inconveniences and trials. I shall never forget this story. Ever.
Thank you for the link. This is a interesting article and good for reading to the children and prompting discussions.
Blessings –
Ouida Gabriel
Ralph read this to us a couple of months ago. What an awesome story.