So… things are working…

It feels like we’ve been in a sort of relay with changing and adding and moving our domains to a new account.  I now have a ton of catch-up work to do on the A Christian Home website, the Welcome Home Company Store website the A Bella Cake website and this blog!

In many ways, the ACH website that was begun ten years ago(!) still has the clunky old style look and feel — whereas most sites today have the ‘blog’ format or the pretty polished and well designed format — the ACH site is definitely “homegrown!”  I started that site with very little web design and very little formatting/html knowledge and really had to work at every step of the production!  Thus, every now and then I see a complete fiasco of links and mess and want to just delete the whole thing… but then I stop and want to protect it like a pitiful old friend and want to, in some way, revive and preserve what’s taken ten years to accumulate and arrange.

So… much is needed — but the necessary changes will have to wait for long, cold winter days when I can just sit here at the table and comb through the site culling all the dead wood, the dead links and no longer needed articles, etc., etc.  But those cold days a still a ways off!  For this, I am grateful: God is good and His mercies are everlasting.  how thankful I am today for all of this.

At this ten year point… I just want to say thanks for the memories and thanks for all who’ve written through the years.  I’ve been so blessed!


4 thoughts on “So… things are working…

  1. Pamela,
    I love your site and do not find it in any way old looking. I have so enjoyed your postings, articles and family pictures. I must say through the years you have been a great source of encouragement. I look forward to seeing what you have store for us next.

  2. Thank YOU so much for your years of hard work! Love your website…you are very encouraging and sometimes, just plain FUN! Who said that Christian mommies and grammies and wives can’t have FUN? Thanks! Beth

  3. Pamela,

    Good to see you back in posting…I’ve missed your posts, but we all have more important things to do than be on the computer all the time…
    Do you have links to your other websites? I did not know about all that…

  4. Hello Mrs. Spurling,

    Just wanted to say that I love the new look as well as that I love you! I stop by ACH often, some seasons on a daily basis. It is great to have a place to come to and glean for a bit. Your words encourage me in all ways.

    I look forward to the cold winter days when we can talk over a cup of tea!

    Ouida Gabriel

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