
still reworking…

For the next few days we’ll be moving the rest of our sites to a new account and so there will likely be some interruption in service and website availability.  In addition to all that, we’re trying to be sure not to lose any more files in this transfer.  And… in addition to all that, I’m just learning how to use this new program and it’s been a bit of a challenge to learn the protocol.   So… for tomorrow, I think I just might make bread, read some of my new cake books and sew for the girls.  These are a few of my favourite things… 🙂

A Christian Home website might be down for a bit.

My email might be down for a bit.

Thanks for reading!

♥ pamela

One comment on “still reworking…

  1. Yes, take a break, Sister! It’ll all seem much easier to face after some time off from it. 🙂 I’m adding you to my blogroll, too because I’ve got my blog up and going finally. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

    In Christ,

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