my fiftieth year my story

30 Favourite Things #19

Truly, the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had… I guess it was so good that it was worth waiting 50 years. :o)   Wes took me to the Useless Bay Coffee Co. for that unforgettable, delicious cup of coffee and a scone, too. Though the weather was stormy, the shops were lovely, the atmosphere […]...

30 Favourite Things #18

  We have a tradition in our family that began with our firstborn son, Daniel, and we’ve carried it on through the years.  Amazingly.  Well – I say amazingly bcz it truly is amazing to me that not only did we set about doing this same thing or carrying on this tradition, but that we’ve […]...
family/friends events my fiftieth year

30 Favourite Things #17

  Wow… now my mind’s just clicking along reviewing favourite memories from my fiftieth year.  Ordinary days, ordinary things, ordinary experiences.  Somehow, when seen through new eyes, things really take on new meaning or have a greater value.  For example, because of the deaths of a number of people in the last year, I’ve taken […]...