Political stuff - Society

A Book and a Movie

teacuppamela.pngI’m thinking about blind acceptance and emperors… the events of the days behind us and before us and a book and a movie come to mind.  And I wonder what really matters to people — if it matters that there’s nothing there or if there’ll be a little child standing in the crowd pointing out the obvious.  And will anyone there have the courage to see?

  emperorsnewclothes   being there movie

The Emperor’s New Clothes… a book.  Being There… a movie.

Just thinking.  I remember reading the book as a child, reading to our own children along the way and seeing that movie thirty years ago.  I’ve thought of both story lines over the years as I’ve watched different societal or political trends and events.  And, all kidding aside, I do wonder will there be anyone listening to the speech willing to exclaim:  But he has nothing on!


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