Good Things & Gifts - Homemaking - Potpourri

Not a ‘depression era mentality’ at all

teacuppamela.pngIt used to be that when someone refused to waste a drop or when someone would save everything from produce baggies to cottage cheese containers to newspapers to bacon grease — people who never threw anything away after the originally intended use — they were thought to be products of the Great Depression and, as such, were tolerated (even if made fun of behind their backs) and “understood.” Then, time passed and folks were mocked for being pack-rats or hoarding things they’d never use — that, or they were secretly embarrassed over their hoarding and hiding and groups like clutterers and ‘messies anonymous’ spawned — along with the hoards of organization tips: through books, stores and products. Whatever the case, ‘depression mentality’ or no, there are just some people who have a propensity to stash stuff and never throw things out – you know, because they might — need — them someday. I know people like that. Really well.

Today, instead of being thrifty or careful to use and save items, there’s sort of a new generation of folks who save things to remake to use and reuse and reuse. Maybe they’re tight-wads, maybe they’re thrifty, but this tight-waddy-ness (you read it here first!) has led to some clever ingenuity. Consider ‘shabby chic’ and all the retro-think and then think of eBay, Craigslist and Freecycle — to name a few. Thrift stores are the main sources of clothing for many people we know (including everyone who lives at this address). I think that’s sort of a combination of the signs of the times (save the planet – recycle – renew the earth) stuff and the Depression Era parents and grandparents passing on that gene.

Well, there was a point to this post. Really. I received an email with this tip for reusing a man’s dress shirt to make a toddler dress [look at all the great photos and tutorial!] . It’s so cute and so clever and sooooooo neuvo. So, you wanna see it? I’m thinking this is a keeper — something to try out! Other ideas are coming to mind! I’ll let you know if I do make it (and it’s worth showing)! :o)

I love doing this sort of thing! For example, recently I made kitchen curtains from a beautiful white-eyelet bassinet skirt that I cut it apart — I hated messing up the originally beautiful workmanship – but it wouldn’t have been any use to me as it was. So there I had plenty of fabric to use for the curtain, and it was just what I would have purchased and I got it for free!

I’ll bet you’re thinking of stuff you could remake… aren’t you.


0 Comments on “Not a ‘depression era mentality’ at all

  1. Jeff — this post is about reusing or remaking still-useful items. This is the problem with web-crawlers and non-readers. The “depression era mentality” is in reference to the Great (economic) Depression of the late 1920’s and 30’s — obviously not at all referencing pseudo or clinical emotional depression.

    An attempt at self-promotion? And plagiarism? This could be depressing.

  2. Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! You’ve just given me my next ETSY .com idea! I hope Kristen reads that post, since she sews!

  3. The quilt we have been using on our bed for about ten years is getting too worn to use anymore.

    I’ve found myself staring at it and thinking… pillows? a sofa size quilt? It’s just too pretty to not get more life out of it.

    LOVE the pictures of the “dress from a shirt”.

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