There’s a whole lotta change going on… I’ll be posting a few pics from Phil Johnson’s site… Emergent-see—Motivational posters for the emerging church conversation chaos.
slices of life & views of the day
slices of life & views of the day
There’s a whole lotta change going on… I’ll be posting a few pics from Phil Johnson’s site… Emergent-see—Motivational posters for the emerging church conversation chaos.
I think they’re pretty neat, too.
I think Timothy’s had a great day. We stayed up late to talk to him last night (his morning) and then early this morning got up to sing to him before he went to bed. That’s when we decided to post it on youtube so that he could see it also. Then Sam had the idea to FFthe recording. so it was funny.
Back to the emergent — truly the alarms have been sounding, and the church seems to be swaying to the music. I pray the church in America and around the world will see the destructive teachings and turn and repent. O that God would be praised and given rightful honour and glory due His Holy Name and Word.
Thanks for writing, Bekah… I love you and miss you & your family. Timothy will be happy to know you remembered his b-day, too. :o)
ooooohhhhhh…..these are really good. I have actually seen them before and loved them because they are so true! I also love Phil! He is a frequent guest speaker at my church and has spoken at our high school retreat the last two years. PS….I hope that Timothy had a great birthday!