The Church Today

one of the first gents of emergents

It’s important to prove all things and hold fast that which is good. Prove all things. This man, Rob Bell, is probably one of the most influential ‘pastors’ in one of the fastest growing churches, Mars Hill, in America today. This is the “other Mars Hill” – not Mark Driscoll’s Mars Hill church in Seattle. Rob Bell is known for his “Nooma’s” — short film clips depicting a particular concept or thought. The Nooma’s are thoughtful. The Nooma’s are thought provoking. The Nooma’s are provoking. Positively or negatively depending on what you think of them, what you think after watching them and what you think about the message they give (or don’t give).

This, from the site on what a Nooma is: “It’s short films with communicators that really speak to us. Compact, portable, and concise. Each Nooma touches onissues that we care about, that we want to talk about, and it comes in a way that fits our world. It’s a format that’s there for us when we need it,as we need it, how we need it.”

I remember seeing them for the first time a few years ago. Straight away I had a reaction. I made notes and comparisons with the Word. My reaction was strong. It’s stronger today.

0 Comments on “one of the first gents of emergents

  1. Yes – these are subtle, aren’t they. And yet as subtle as they are, they’re blaring. O, that we will be circumspect, that we will be wise, as 1John 4.1 says: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”

    These truly are perilous times and truly we must be in prayer that God would direct our steps, guide our thoughts and give us discernment regarding what we hear, see and read.

    Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.

    thank you both for writing. And I thankful for the prompting to be very clear.

    with love, pamela

  2. Pamela,
    I must say, I was a little frightened for a couple of minutes…thankfully, the other guy came on and life felt good again…I had a strong reaction too…not as good one…

  3. Pamela,
    thank you for this posting. I am so glad to see this pastor dissect this misinformation that is sucking so many people in! If only people would open the word they would see the dangers of this kind of teaching and false teachers who are going to lead people directely into hell!

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