
Are Your Locks Secure?

Ever heard of a bump key? Well…. you may have never heard of them, but thanks to the internet and easy accessibility, thieves have! Here’s a video showing just how easy (and cheap) it is to effortlessly break into any house. Illegal without a locksmith license, bump keys are easily accessible on the internet for a few dollars. Thieves can efficiently enter your home with little effort or trace of forced entry. This news story is nearly a year old but I just received a mail today with this video clip. O — there are apparently locks you can purchase and install that aren’t opened with a bump key. Here’s the locksmith guy’s website with info on bump keys and secure locks: bayarealocks.com

0 Comments on “Are Your Locks Secure?

  1. Oh— I would love that! It’s been a long time since we lived in a home that we didn’t even have a key to. I’m smiling thinking of how simple things were then and there…

    blessings, to you, Cindy!

    with love, pamela

  2. Would you believe we never lock our doors? When our house was on the market last year we actually had to buy a new doorknob to put a key on at the realtor’s insistence. I noticed the local mower guy doesn’t even put his stock away at night. I just love where we live.

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