Good Things & Gifts - Potpourri

Gift Ideas

A Christian Home

Gift Ideas For Any Occasion

· Give the gift of love and hope… a Bible and a letter of love to the recipient.

· A letter or a poem to one you love… along with a picture in a frame or card.

· Gifts of your time—these can be given to anyone… jobs you can do, things you can make, transportation you can provide, calls you can make.

· Magazine subscriptions… these are a favourite in many homes and you can bring a lot of joy to a family by remembering them with a gift subscription. One of our favourites to give are subscriptions to Taste of Home or Quick Cooking or any number of their other publications…. My step dad enjoyed the Reminisce magazine and I know that many women love the Country Woman magazine… all by Reiman publications. You can call them at (800) 344-6913 or visit their website

· Maybe you know someone who would enjoy a Reader’s Digest subscription… or a subscription to another magazine or monthly publication. For women… wonderful magazines: In addition to Above Rubies, Seasons at Home, The Old Schoolhouse, An Encouraging Word, Homeschooling Today.

· Maybe this is the year you would like to present a child with a new Bible, or a special journal and pen.

· Books! Perhaps a new program for the computer…

· A set of pens and stationery and a “lap-desk.”

· A large drawing tablet and pastels or a special calligraphy tablet and pens.

· Scrapbooking supplies, papers, pens, tape, scissors or cutting tools.

· Art books! Canvases and oil paints.

· Acrylic paints and wooden objects to finish.

· A tree or plants for the home.

· Yarn and knitting needles… embroidery kits… material, pattern and thread… Books!

· A bucket of tools, gloves, bulbs, seeds, kneeling pad for weeding and gardening.

· A cribbage board and cards, Uno, Pit or Rook.

· A basket of mugs, hot chocolate mix and marshmallows, cookies and a book of poetry.

· A harmonica… and a songbook.

· An apron, cookbook stand, kitchen timer or clock.

· Wall calendar for 2008! Maybe find one in a wooden wall frame ( or make one!)

· Walking shoes! Rubberboots… Dearfoam slippers.

· A basket of rubber stamps, ink, pens, blank stationery.

· Sew a pair of satin pillow cases…

· Do a chore(s) for someone!!!! Clean the shop… clean & vacuum the car… paint the bathroom… rake the yard… cut and stack the wood… clean the fridge… sew some curtains… make a plan to prune the trees… do a basket of mending… or a basket of ironing…

· gift card to Starbucks inside a starbucks mug

· Kitchen towels, washcloths, pot-holders

· Plastic numbers and letters for the refrigerator… magnets, picture holder magnets

· Hair care supplies, brush, comb, clips or bands

· Vase of flowers… candles… doily and box of pretty matches

· Bath bubbles, salts, sponge, soaps, candles, powder

· Shirt and tie… socks and slippers… belt and wallet… pen & pencil set…

· Teapot, teacups, teas, vanilla sugar, paper doilies, butter cookies

· CD’s of hymns or special music

· Video… favourite movie or an instructional video

· New journal, pens, book mark, candle

· Finger paint, finger paint paper, sponges cut into shapes…

· Music lessons

· Perhaps you could put together a basket of mixes or ingredients for a special meal.

· How about a basket of tools and a “how to” project book…

· A basket of kitchen gadgets… and favourite recipes you write out on cards…

· If you are a canner and baker, how about a basket of items you canned this
summer along with a couple of baked goods.

· And for your neighbors, how about a plate of assorted breads and cookies and a special card with the message of the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Give your family the great gift of long lasting value and encouragement: be a sweet, loving, diligent, lovable, faithful, loyal, dependable, industrious, honest, virtuous, modest, careful, honourable, sincere and joyful mother.


0 Comments on “Gift Ideas

  1. No gift cards or money. . . I always appreciate a well-thought out gift. It means someone really cares for you! Thank you for the list.

  2. Pamela, I like your ideas about gifts. People ought to think of giving things within there means. Not go in debt for gifts. The gift is only suppose to remind someone that they are special to the other person anyway. We could never be able to give something as valuable as what Jehovah gave us in the gift of His Son.
    You may know the Maxwell Family from Leavenworth, KS. I think they do the neatest thing in their neighborhood at Christmas time. They bake a bunch of assorted cookies, put several of each on disposable plates, and wrap them with pretty colored Saran Wrap. They place a scripture in each plate. Then they go to each house singing carols to their neighbors. That allows them to share God’s gift of Christ with each of them. Plus it does not cost that much. Pretty cool idea.
    God bless y’all.

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