In the Kitchen - Potpourri

great recipes and more

teacuppamela.pngMy chef brother called this morning… lots of great ideas and encouragement here in my kitchen.  He was interested in hearing about my visit to the doc a couple of weeks ago and was concerned that maybe I was dealing with not so much a high level of uric acid (which I don’t have) but too much acid or, rather, acidic blood rather than alkaline blood.

And so… after telling him all about my talks with “my herbalist” and what I was attempting to do… he said… see?  this conversation isn’t just a coincidence!  I know that the LORD uses many things in my life that are co-incidences — times where the vertical meets this horizontal and speaks to me about whatever’s going on.  I told him that, too.  God meets us where we’re at—the vertical meeting the horizontal for the purpose of the horizontal becoming vertical.  Well, that spiritual analogy breaks down, I suppose, but I was sure thankful to the LORD for His tender mercy and lovingkindness… it’s just what I needed right about now.

And so some of those recipes?  Well… he shared a site with me and then began to read some of the recipe names and described them to me.  I’m glad I didn’t suffer any dietary setbacks from the recipes and foods he was describing to me.   You can talk all day long about making turtles or making appetizers… but I’m totally gone after a bite.  So, for now, I need to stick to just browsing the site:   When he recommends a site, I know it’s a good one… cooks usually know the best sites.

Then, another friend called me this morning with some recommendations… and I’ll have to do some browsing to see what might be most helpful here in our home.  This one’s the Beeyoutiful site… articles, supplements and essential oils.  The other site I was looking at was Doc Shillington’s site: Academy of Natural Healing.  So many things to read.  I had previously searched the site and receive email updates — lots of great ideas and crazy names. So… lots to see today!


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