
This week’s great honour…

blueheartmughalf.jpgI’m grateful to have the great privilege of making the cake for our precious friend’s wedding this weekend.  It is with great joy and honour that we anticipate this wedding for Andrew and Gen.  As we make plans for their wedding and reception and all the details that need to be taken care of, I’m continually asking the LORD for guidance and strength that each detail and need will be met and filled and that we will be used of the LORD to contribute what’s needed to make the day a delight to them and a blessing to all who attend.

So… I’m having cake decorating dreams.  I only wish I had videos of the ones where the cake looks nothing like anything I would ever be capable of making… but in the dreams the cakes look fabulous.  And the equipment I have in my dreams is incredible!  It’s sort of feeling like anticipating a birth: all the dreams are of labours and babies and amazing feats one could never accomplish without the blessing, presence and guidance of the LORD.  So the wedding!
I will post pictures when it’s all said and done.  Only the groom has been told of the plan for the cake… the bride does not know the plans for what the cake will look like – nor its shape or design.  I hope I get it right. ~smile~  If I keep drinking too much coffee… it might not have nice lines though.

I cracked up when I got this one…  someone must’ve had a not so hidden message for me!

drink coffee


0 Comments on “This week’s great honour…

  1. I laughed and laughed when I saw the “coffee” sign! I can’t drink coffee because I won’t sleep – at all, but when I DO drink it, my daughter can always tell. I talk really fast, and move very fast, and she says I can be “scary” (she’s 13 yrs old). So, I really, really enjoyed the little coffee sign – that one is for me!

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