• In the Kitchen - Potpourri

    split loyalties

    I’ve been a die-hard KitchenAid (mixer) aficionado. It’s wonderful to use, wonderful to look at and a wonderful time-saver for me. I’ve used my KitchenAid almost daily and sometimes several times a day for 18 years. It’s perfect and has never given me trouble. I do have to replace a second whip and a second flat beater, but at no time has the machine been a problem to me. I was familiar with the machine (in a larger model) when I worked as a cook and was determined to have that necessary piece of equipment in my own kitchen. I…

  • Devotionals

    To walk with and watch the LORD

    What a defining day this has been.  And with an opening line like that, one might assume I’ve come to some great revelation or conclusion about a matter, or that some marvelous epiphany has occurred in my walk.  No, and yes… no, nothing huge has been happening, no great changes or anything like that, but, rather, it’s wintertime.  Every year about this time a defining event happens that tells me no more sitting outside, no more warm, sunny afternoons are going to be enjoyed by the water or the rose garden.  It’s wintertime now.  Every year with the first frost,…