♥ Marriage

This is a page in process as I add articles from time to time.  I’ve also posted links to an old page from the antiquated original AChristianHome website.  I no longer have the now obsolete program that was used to design the pages 🙁 , so there are many uncorrected or out of date links — I’m sure there’s a work-around, but I don’t have the mind-space to do it.  However, that page is still filled with useful information, in addition to internal links that lead to articles on old the site I’m still glad I wrote.  I hope it will help you.

Seeking help, encouragement, and inspiration for building, correcting, strengthening marriage is of utmost importance and inestimable worth.
♥ A good marriage takes work, dedication, sticktoitiveness, flexibility, sacrifice, HUMILITY, patience, forgiveness, GRACE, commitment and TIME!   Be attentive to these things… I sincerely pray you will have a blessed and beautiful, enduring marriage!


I’ll continue to write about marriage and/or share links from time to time… but today’s the best day to just get on your knees and pray… get out your Bible, be quiet and wait on the Lord for what He would have you to do.  And, by His grace, do it. And stick to it!

Webster’s 1828 Dictionary. [Electronic Online Edition]                                        


MAR’RIAGE, n. [L.mas, maris.] The act of uniting a man and woman for life; wedlock; the legal union of a man and woman for life. Marriage is a contract both civil and religious, by which the parties engage to live together in mutual affection and fidelity, till death shall separate them. Marriage was instituted by God himself for the purpose of preventing the promiscuous intercourse of the sexes, for promoting domestic felicity,and for securing the maintenance and education of children.

Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled. Heb.13.1. A feast made on the occasion of a marriage.    The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king, who made a marriage for his son. Matt.22.2. In a scriptural sense, the union between Christ and his church by the covenant of grace. Rev.19.

Is Your Marriage Next?

Married for Keeps – part one

Married for Keeps – part two: The Treasure

A Faithful Wife

Are You Looking Around

Marriage: Answering Hard Questions

Submission: Is It For Me?

Submission: Again

What If I Were Obedient To My Husband – part one?

The Heart Of My Husband Safely Trusts In Me (What If I Were Obedient To My Husband? – part two)

A Virtuous Woman Is A Crown To Her Husband

A Help Meet For Him

A Good Wife (written 2000)

Dash Lights In Marriage

O, To Be A Faithful Christian Wife



Ten Commandments for the Twentieth Century Husband  
author unknown

1. Thou shalt put thy wife before they mother, thy father, thy son, and thy daughter, for thy wife is thy lifelong companion.
2. Abuse not thy body by overeating, by tobacco, or drink, that thy days may be many and healthful in the presence of thy loved ones.
3. Permit neither thy business nor thy hobby to make of thee a stranger to thy children, for the most precious gift a man giveth his family is his time.
4. Forget not the virtue of cleanliness.
5. Make not thy wife a beggar, but share willingly with her thy worldly goods.
6. Forget not to say “I love you,” for even though thy love be constant thy wife doth yearn to hear these words.
7. Remember that the approval of thy wife is worth more than the admiring glances of a hundred strangers. Cleave unto her and forsake all others.
8. Keep thy home in good repair, for out of it cometh the joys of old age.
9. Forgive with grace, for who among us does not need to be forgiven?
10. Honor the Lord all the days of thy life, and thy children will rise up and call thee blessed.

Ten Commandments for Wives 
author unknown

1. Carefully guard thine health so thou canst always greet thy husband with a smile.
2. Never nag or complain.
3. Do not worry about things which thou canst not change.
4. Do not spend all thy time scrubbing, cleaning, and dusting the house.
5. Love thine husband and children more than thy house.
6. Know how to prepare good, nutritious food and keep it on the table.
7. Know the limitations of thy husband’s income and do not try to keep up with the Jones’s or others.
8. Do not buy a hat or hairdo or wig that makes thy husband unhappy.
9. Remember that at times silence is golden.
10. Do not drive the automobile from back or side seat.


