♥ Making It Home

This ‘making it home’ page is filled with food ideas, recipes, information, gifts and organization to make your home home.  I start here bcz the kitchen is generally the heart of the home… the gathering place.  *Many* of the links are to pages of the old and antiquated pages of  my original AChristianHome website.
These titles are all what I still consider to be very helpful and useful links.

Bunches of Lunches    ♥ Dozens of Dinners   ♥   Pantry Lists 

Master Mixes & Quick Mixes ~These mixes can be doubled & tripled depending on your family size.             ♥  Recipes using Quick Mixes
♥  Make it yourself

♥  Amish Friendship Bread  (starter & recipes).
♥  “Herman Bread” (starter & recipes)

♥. Breads, Muffins & Scones

♥  Treats & Desserts

Kitchen Measures & Equivalents ~ at one time or another, you’re going to need this page!!
♥ More Gifts from Your Pantry

Good Things & Gifts to Give ( big “gift in a basket” list!)

Dinners in the Freezer.com