Family Heart-Attack-recovery my story

blessings in disguise

The longer I live, the more I am amazed at the Hand of Providence in my life and in the lives of our children and. in. my. husband’s. life. I’m sobered, humbled and stand in awe of the marvelous grace of God and His immeasurable kindness. You know, I’m so thankful for the difficult times […]...
Heart-Attack-recovery More Slices of Life Potpourri

About that lingering conversation?

Well… about that lingering conversation, I thought I’d add a few lines. I know there will come a time when I stop writing about our current “lingering conversation.” I know we’ll likely move on to other things. But I write about them — and whatever else I write about — for lots of different reasons. […]...


You know how you hear words over and over and they are so common you don’t even really stop to consider their profound meaning? I mean, I recall for many years my mother in law or my father in law would comment about their cardiologist or my mom mentioned her surgeon or my dad mentioned […]...

The Heart of Her Husband…

Safely trusts in her… I ponder this verse over and over. The heart of my husband safely trusts in me. Safely trusts. His heart safely trusts. In me. Wow… this has been on my mind and in my teaching for years. I have always focused on what I considered to be heart issues. And if/when […]...
Heart-Attack-recovery Potpourri

Cholesterol Awareness…

Did you know that September is “Cholesterol Awareness Month”? O, yeah, I’m aware! The service mark for the American Heart Association is: Learn and Live. I mull this over. I’m mulling over a lot of things lately. You know I realized tonight that I never thought my husband could/would/might die. Really… ever. I’m fairly sure […]...
Family Heart-Attack-recovery

What a difference an hour makes

I glanced at the last blog entry. I smiled as I read: more tomorrow. And there was “more tomorrow.” There was more “tomorrow” in yesterday than I’ve had in a very long time. And so… I mull over my closing statement: “more tomorrow.” I mull it over and consider: what a difference an hour makes. […]...