Devotionals More Slices of Life

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals: potentially instructive, potentially destructive. Isn’t it interesting what the Lord uses in our lives to speak to us? He speaks through His Word, He ministers to us through teaching, poetry, testimonies, music, His creation; He works in us through joys and sorrows, hardships, grief, loss, trials, and countless other ways.  He blesses us […]...

Nothing new never means nothing’s new

If you’ve been a reader or subscriber to this site for any length of time, you’ll very quickly see that nothing new never means nothing’s new. But, I wanted to pop in and say, everything’s okay — nothing’s new and everything’s new and I hope to begin writing again soon.  I love to write this […]...
Devotionals Motherhood

Mother’s Happy Day 2017

[cp_quote style=”quote_left_light”] a child, unclear on the concept, loaded the dishwasher so carefully for me.[/cp_quote]So many “Mother’s Day” entries have filled my journals — tomorrow will be another, Mother’s Happy Day. As I read this morning’s entry of Streams in the Desert I marveled at how many of the examples were part of the fabric […]...
Motherhood Prodigals

Of Roses & Wayward Children

A Welcome Home message from Mother’s Happy Day ~ 2004 [cp_dropcaps]T[/cp_dropcaps]he topic I feel led to share tonight transcends cultures, language and socio-economic boundaries or barriers. When a child wanders out of the way, it doesn’t matter what you’ve got, what you know or what you don’t.  It doesn’t matter what you’ve planned or what […]...

Tending Your Marriage Garden

If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you’ll remember I often make references to my gardens. Not so much to share gardening techniques or skills, but what’s growing in the gardens.  I think more than in any other place, I find instruction in the garden.  It seems the Lord meets me out […]...
Faith my story

He’s Writing My Story

Every day, year after year, God’s writing my story.  Every day,  whether or not I can understand the circumstances I face, He has a very good plan for whatever I face. And regardless of my comprehension, His plan is for my good and His glory. I believe this not only because His word says so, […]...

Today You Have Today

On the wall in my kitchen hangs a plate that has imprinted the saying:  Today you have today.  It hangs there every day… every day I walk through the doorway below it and rarely look up to see that plate — or any other specific thing that hangs on the wall, for that matter.  Except […]...

The Increeping Vulgarity

This post is sort of a signs of the times observation and a mulling over the consequences of one of the dramatic changes our society is undergoing. The increeping vulgarity of society hasn’t happened all at once — it’s happened slowly, incrementally, over time.  Increeping vulgarity, along with its visible companions, lewd behaviour and crude […]...
Devotionals Faith

Trusting God With His Plans

Trusting God with His plans surely sounds like a worthy disposition for a Christian woman, doesn’t it? Maybe even the proper automatic reaction, too.  Were I to be asked, Do you trust God with His plans? I’d probably instantly and emphatically say, yes. Yes, I trust God with His plans.  And then something hard to […]...

Yet you may live a great life

“You may be very discontented with yourself… no genius, have no brilliant gifts… are inconspicuous… mediocrity is the law of your existence…  Your days are remarkable for nothing but sameness and insipidity. Yet you may have a great life.” Well that started out on a refreshing note, didn’t it? But then I continued to read […]...