Devotionals The Church Today

“The Message,” “The Voice” and The Truth.

Even so, Come LORD Jesus. Those who’ve followed the PDC or the PDL and are, were or have been interested in the “new conversation” of the quote, post-modern church, probably read from, or read in part, The Message. Now there’s another “project” in the works: The Voice. No conspiracy theories, no alarmist voices here…  just […]...
Devotionals Potpourri

mulling over 31 Proverbs

I’m taking a break from writing – handwriting, that is – my husband has encouraged us, each one, to write out a copy of the Word—the Bible in our own hand—His Words, our writing.  We’ve begun in the New Testament and have set about writing – originally a chapter a day, but now have relaxed […]...
Devotionals Family Potpourri

the way of parenting

So this morning I’m looking out at the blanket of fresh snow over the fields. I think of the beauty of it all and think how amazing it is that it covers all the flaws… the dirt and weeds, the uneven spots… And then I think of character… the character training in children. The pointing […]...
Devotionals More Slices of Life

celebrating the blessings of Christmas

We celebrate so many things this year… the blessing of the gift, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our LORD and Saviour.  How how great is the love of the Father that He lavishes us daily with gifts and joy unspeakable.  We celebrate the birth of our Saviour and praise the God of Heaven […]...
Devotionals Potpourri

Gleaning from the field of the LORD

God is good all the time…. ALL of the time, in all places for all time: God is the great I AM. When I traveled a bit north to join other sisters in the LORD at a wonderful Titus2 meeting this past Thursday evening, I wasn’t actually aware at that point what the next few […]...

To walk with and watch the LORD

What a defining day this has been.  And with an opening line like that, one might assume I’ve come to some great revelation or conclusion about a matter, or that some marvelous epiphany has occurred in my walk.  No, and yes… no, nothing huge has been happening, no great changes or anything like that, but, […]...
Devotionals Potpourri


It seems to me that studying the Word needs to be like enjoying a 5 course dinner. By this, I mean, that the time we spend in the Word generally tends to be more like a “fast food” drive through. We tend to skim instead of study and grab a quick snack instead making a […]...

Take no Thought

Just as God is, and is in, the big picture, the devil is meddling in the minute details.  God’s working all things together for our good and the devil’s working everything to confusion.  It’s not so much that the enemy wants us to totally yield to him, it’s that he wants us to *not* yield […]...
Devotionals Potpourri

The Law

I’ve been thinking about a bunch of things tonight. I mean, I was vacuuming flies and I had lots of time to think. Seriously, hundreds of flies. Actually, it felt more like dozens of hundreds of flies. So I was vacuuming them up with Wes’s shop-vac. I have never seen so many flies in all […]...
Devotionals Motherhood

lingering to rush

I always feel like 1 Thessalonians is like lingering over a great cup of coffee and fresh hot bread with butter and jam and then glancing at the clock: and it’s like a race to get out the door to catch a plane. You know what I mean; the times you linger in pleasant conversation […]...