my story

change is a good thing

Change is a good thing.  You may have noticed that I’ve made a change to my site title… the url remains the same, but the title is now: mama’s journal.  I’ve done this for a couple of reasons, one being, streamlining a couple of blogs and the other, a first step in changing the url to this page.  I recently noticed that there’s a “welcome home blog” page for home-coming soldiers and so, to leave that honour for them,  I have decided to merge a couple of my sites into this location and eventually discontinue the use of thewelcomehome.

Additionally, I’m wanting to begin “blogging” again and not without a bit of fear and trepidation, I might add, I sincerely want to just write what’s on my heart… slices of life, and personal commentary, but my fear is that what I often want to share might be misconstrued, misread as an attack on those who see slices of life perhaps a bit (or a LOT) differently than I do.  That fear is a powerful silencer.  Then, there’s a myriad of fears that my failures, my kid’s failures, my shortcomings do or will disqualify me.  So, I can only fall back on Scripture and say, not that I have attained… but I press on. (Pips 3.12, 14)

As many of you know, I love to write — I write things every day — and so I’d like to, once again, share pages of my life story in hopes that my observations, gleanings, experiences — yes, and failures — might be of some help, some hope, and some encouragement to you.

[cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]Change is a good thing[/cp_quote]And as always… to God be the glory; great things He is doing. I say this in faith as there are so many days it might not look like He’s doing great things.  But He is.  He truly is.

This is my story.  These are now pages of this mama’s journal.

6 Comments on “change is a good thing

  1. I just found your blog through a lecture I attended during my Bible Study Fellowship. I sincerely hope you do not stop writing. If a person does not want to read, that is their choice but you have been given a gift and it is not your choice really to discontinue using that gift. So, for the people like me, the ones that want to hear encouragement and truth, please keep working on what you have been given. For the others, maybe, just maybe, they will hear someday.

  2. Thank you, ♥ Nancy… you’re so kind to me.
    I’m praying for God’s direction and the faith to carry on, trusting the Lord to give me courage and strength — I want to use this space to share what He’s done/is doing in my life in hopes that others will be encouraged to trust Him. ♥ thank you, again! blessings to you.

  3. Thank you, you two! I really value your opinions and just trust the Lord to carry me through on this — I know He’s directing this path, I want to walk it well. Thank you for the uplifting notes. They provide me the necessary accountability to carry out this endeavour live/write sincerely and transparently before the Lord. Love to you. <3

  4. Pamela, I am very happy to see that you are writing again. You were an inspiration to me for many years. I agree and identify with what you wrote about being afraid others would misconstrue your words or possibly judge you, etc. I have found myself hesitating to write things many times on my blog, but then I realized that it is the bloggers who are the most transparent that I enjoy reading the most, and I believe I speak for many others who feel the same way. Anyone can write a sugar-coated post about their days; it is a brave and honest person who can write about the imperfections of life as well as the good things. Not one of us is perfect and will not be as long as we are in this world, so I say to you, WELCOME BACK! I have missed you, and look forward to your posts.


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