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so many THM resources

teacuppamelaThere are so many Trim Healthy Mama resources to give you all the tools you need to succeed in changing your eating lifestyle and find “your trim” or you level of healthy weight and energy.  Along with all that, you’ll see that all these resources will give you ample instruction, inspiration to press on each day as you explore all the many meal and snack options along with daily doses of encouragement and a push now and then to run the race… or to get back up and keep running the race if/when you fall off course.  Joining the Facebook THM group will give you fantastic resources and inspiration — so will the Trim Healthy Mama author’s page.

Gwen has written such an invaluable book review — her synopsis, observations and beautiful photos and descriptions will ‘flesh out’ the book for you—-her investment and numerous resources she’s made available in the last year will become invaluable to you.  I could not more highly recommend you get the THM bookread it—and use Gwen’s site and resources. ♥

ALSO————See a whole bunch of Pinterest pages… here’s ♥ mine and then here are some others for you — just to get you started, the following links are “S” meals and snacks!
♥ S Snacks
♥ S Beverages
S Breakfasts
♥ S Main Dishes – Hot

So, what’s an “S” meal or snack? An S meal is a Satisfying meal or snack — S meals have a foundation of protein and the fuel source is fat… fats like coconut oil or butter or nuts and seeds and some dairy products like cheese and eggs.  These meals have very limited carbs–but that’s not going to be a problem when you see the beauty of the plan and how you’ll have those options when you enjoy an “E” meal or snack.   Many nay-sayers think eating fat makes you fat–or fatter.  Not so.  You’ll soon see that food in the wrong combination and out of balance is what’s made you fat in the past and will make you fat in the future if you continue to eat that way.  I’m truly no expert in this, but I am really beginning to grasp the whole proper intake and combining of fuels for meals and snacks.  I’m finally getting the whole fat and sugar connection–the whole high carb connection to poor health and weight that’s not in balance.  I’m finally seeing it, living it, understanding it—and you will, too, once you read the book and start implementing the plan.

Here’s my hot tip for you———-do yourself a favour: Work at eliminating or just stop eating sugar.  Seriously—sugar will sabotage health and any sincere desire will be squashed and weightloss will fail when sugar’s in the mix!  Right next to heredity issues, it’s probably the biggest culprit behind the big behind, the big belly, the bad heart, the sluggish metabolism, sluggish bowel and the sluggish mind.  It’s probably the primary culprit behind a lot of infertility problems and insulin resistance.  Yep, I just said all that.  And yep, I’m not a doctor and not a clinician.  And, nope, nothing I write should take the place of your own studies, doc’s opinions, advice and recommendations.  Well, maybe I don’t exactly believe those last three (the opinions, advice & recommendations part).  But, they usually don’t agree with home-birth and/or home-educating children, either.  But, in the interest of total transparency, I had to add all that.  Nothing here should be construed as professional or medical advice, counsel or diagnosis.  That, too.

Want another hot-hot tip?   Work at spacing all eating to 3 hours apart.  Seriously.   You’ll be surprised  — if you’re not the skinny-mini type who forgets to eat or gets so busy she doesn’t know if she’s had anything to eat since yesterday or whatever — how often you eat.  Stop it.  I’m telling you, I had to/have to say this to myself *so* many times—pamela, stop it… you’re not going to die… you’ll eat again in an hour or two.  ♥ So, clean your house, study your Bible, teach your children, go for a walk with them,  finish one of your bazillion craft projects, clean & organize your pantry, bathroom, closet, school supplies, photographs, garage, fridge, dresser drawers… whatever… the point is that an idle mind with idle hands thinks of food, snacks on it and doesn’t even realize how much and how often it’s happening.

How about an “E” meal?
“E” meals are Energizing meals… meals that have a base of protein and moderate carbs.  E meals have very little fat (one to two teaspoons at most!).  The possibilities for E meals and snacks as endless as your imagination and supply of vegetables!  There is a catch here, however, and that is the high starch potato.  So no. Not that one.  You will never miss it once you find out all the benefits you’ll reap by not eating it and by discovering all sorts of other foods you’ve been neglecting bcz you’ve opted for potatoes out of habit.  You’ll be able to break the potato habit, trust me.  If I can eliminate sugar and honey and potatoes and chocolate syrup, you can do it, too.  Seriously.

You can give these E Breakfasts a go! Or, these E Dinners, or these E Snacks.
Or, again, remember:  you can go to Gwen’s Nest and find just about anything you’ll need for the THM journey… she’s careful to explain S meals, E meals, FP meals, S Helpers and Crossover meals.   Click here for her excellent Quick Start Guide to THM — and her more in-depth pdf/printable Trim and Healthy Quick Start page that will show you how to get started and basically give you four weeks of basics — a page I wish I’d known about in the beginning of my journey.  Go take a look = and print it!!

I share all this to tell you, you’re not alone, you can do this, you can be trim and healthy and you can access loads of resources so that you can be done with excuses for why you can’t lose weight.  Or why you can’t lose weight and keep it off.  I know, right?!?!? I sound like a reformed__________ who thinks they know it all and everyone else should, too.  Yep, it sounds like that… but I don’t know it all — but I feel like the blind man who received sight… and said (paraphrasing), this I don’t know and that I don’t know… but I know that whereas I was blind, now I see.  The Lord has helped me to grasp something I previously could not grasp, He has helped me to do and keep doing something I’ve never been able to do.

If I can do this, you can do this. Truly. ♥

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