Devotionals - Music

Living Sacrifice

teacuppamelaAs I’ve been mulling over my previous post, it dawned on me that sometimes language is confining and that what we think is commonly understood is not necessarily easily conveyed or understood/accepted by others.  I think we sometimes put people off by the very things we say, think or do.  As if, our goals or what we do or say is the “end all – be all” and that’s not what was intended at all.  So, that said, here’s the song that was playing in the theater of my mind as I read and considered all the different aspects or areas I’m seeking to lay on the altar before the Lord today and my petition before Him.  May it be a blessing to you, as well.

Here’s the song, Living Sacrifice…  by Betsy Benefiel

Living Sacrifice

I want my life to be a living sacrifice
A sweet smelling incense for my Lord
An offering of thanks, an offering of love
I want my life to be a sacrifice

In Jesus Christ I too am crucified
Dead to this world by finally alive
He gave new life to me, to live eternally
That I might let Him live His life through me

I lay my life now on Your altar Lord
And give to You what rightfully is Yours
My body, heart, and soul, I give You full control
I want my life to be a sacrifice

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