It’s a new year, a clean, fresh start… be done with lesser things, be a woman who seeks joy, peace and love — start today doing foundational things… and what are these, where can they be found, Who is the Source? The source is Jesus… Faith in the Living Lord Jesus and being found in Him… daily looking to Him; daily abiding in Him; daily watching at His gates and following in His Steps. All of these “Endeavor-To-Be’s” are nothing if not founded upon the Faith of Jesus and His Life in and through us — know this “in my head” and I seek to know it — truly know it practically: in my heart.
I pray as you read this that you’ll join me in this endeavor… that you’ll join me in seeking to press on toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ. We read this in Philippians 3.14 And for this calling, I seek to have my heart fixed: endeavoring to be, and do, these things in a renewed desire to be a living testimony of the Mercy and Grace of God… for He alone is Worthy. In the end, I know I want my life to be a living sacrifice. This has come to mind in recalling different women in my life whose lives were truly a living sacrifice of praise and because they were faithful women it was always evident that their lives were worthy of emulation. And so, when I think of these women — along with women whose life stories I’ve read — it’s as though God gave me living pictures to bring to remembrance.
And so, today as I was mentally gathering the different virtues that characterized them — I realized there are so many qualities I have long desired to see bear fruit in my life and in order for that to happen, it occurred to me that I must prayerfully set my life on the altar that I might die to self, die to past failures and regrets, unmet expectations, disappointments, bitterness, shame, envy — all of these things, for they stand in the way of the fruit of the Spirit. When I allow any of these things ‘place’ in my life, it’s as though I invite the devil in for tea… to do and say, act and control anything he wants… it’s as if I let him set up housekeeping in my life — and I know that I know that I know I don’t want this to be the case. And so, God being my strength and my guide, my help and my source… I lay my life down at His feet that He might raise me up to be a vessel He uses, a vessel that gives Him glory and honour. Thus, my resolve is to have a life well lived and fully yielded to Him…
I Endeavor to…
Be in the Word daily.
Be in prayer daily.
Be thankful for each day and for whatever each day brings.
I Endeavor to…
Be a woman of the Word.
Be a woman of Prayer.
Be a woman who Seeks the Lord.
Be a woman who Listens for His Voice.
Be a woman who Obeys His commands.
Be a woman who is Faithful.
Be a woman who Believes.
Be a woman who Trusts and is Trustworthy.
Be a woman who Loves her Husband.
Be a woman who Loves her Children.
Be a woman who is Wise.
Be a woman who is Discreet.
Be a woman who is Respectful and Respectable.
Be a woman who is Thankful.
Be a woman who is Godly.
Be a woman who is Content.
Be a woman who is Chaste.
Be a woman who is Discerning.
Be a woman who is Kind.
Be a woman who is Honest.
Be a woman who is Gentle.
Be a woman who is Charitable.
Be a woman who is Modest.
Be a woman who is Grateful.
Be a woman who is Hospitable.
Be a woman who is Generous.
Be a woman who is Prudent.
Be a woman who is Merciful.
Be a woman who is Industrious.
Be a woman who is Courteous.
Be a woman who is Careful.
Be a woman who is Thorough.
Be a woman who is Honourable.
Be a woman who is Just.
Be a woman who is Good.
Be a woman who is Considerate.
Be a woman who is Forbearing.
Be a woman who is Honest.
Be a woman who is Resourceful.
Be a woman who is Meek.
Be a woman who Waits.
Be a woman who Listens.
Be a woman who is Gracious.
Be a woman who is Healthful.
Be a woman who is Diligent.
Be a woman who has a Tender Heart.
Be a woman who is a Living Legacy.
I Endeavor to…
Be a woman of Hope.
Be a woman of Joy.
Be a woman of Peace.
Be a woman of Patience.
Be a woman of Kindness.
Be a woman of Gentleness.
Be a woman of Temperance.
Be a woman of Inner Beauty.
Be a woman of Purity.
Be a woman of Grace.
I Endeavor to…
Be a sweet woman… a woman who seeks to be a sweet, fragrant offering… a memory maker… a sweet, sweet, memory maker. I want to gracefully move through the seasons of my life… fully in season… fully engaged… everywhere I am, I want to BE there…all there.