Devotionals - More Slices of Life

pages of a letter; for such a time as this.

This has been a most interesting year.   I wonder what I’ll think when I look back on this year — in years to come.  I wonder if the rough edges will seem smooth later on and I wonder if the smooth days will be remembered with even more fondness.  Hmmm.  It’s interesting to think of all this.    As I looked back at the very few posts over the last several months, I noticed I’ve been sort of stuck in a recurring theme: journaling, remembering, recording…  messages that will be left behind.

Tonight, cleaning in one of the bedrooms upstairs, the drawers of a very old desk were removed and papers were retrieved that had slipped behind the drawers and were stuck in the back of the old desk — obviously there for a very long time.  Envelopes, lists, a program and two pages of a letter.  I read some as I walked downstairs to my desk.  Here I have, left behind: a couple of random pages of a letter, a beautifully hand written letter.  Now, a little while later, I find myself wondering if the Lord had those loose pages stuck in there — tucked away — for just such a time as this?

I honestly believe that finding those pages was a little gift the Lord had tucked away for me — a sort of affirmation, encouragement and inspiration to press on here — to share different things He is doing, to offer ideas, hope and some encouragement along the way.

Whoever wrote this letter surely knew and loved the Lord.  O, not a casual love — nor a simple, intellectual understanding, but a deep abiding love.  What a gift that life must’ve been and surely is to me tonight.  I wonder, was it a letter to grandma?  Was it a letter from her?  No name — not even the complete letter — just a couple of pages of what must have been a lengthy letter.  I’ll share a few of the lines tonight and perhaps a few more tomorrow, you’ll see just how sweet it is to have sweet, lovingly written, encouraging words tucked away just for, yes: such a time as this.

Have you been thru a dry arid season in your spiritual growth? Is it hard to pray? Does the Bible have a dim meaning?  Dos it cease to feed you spiritually? How about the creepy crawlies of criticism the serpent of temptation that has defeated you and robbed you of the spiritual fruit of love, joy, peace and other delectable fruits of the Spirit?  There’s help for us.

I have been through a season of dryness where it was almost impossible to pray.  The heavens seemed to be brass and one thing after another happened to me until I felt forsaken, drifting in the doldrums going nowhere.  Then I was reminded of a statement:  When you’re in the doldrums and not a breath is stirring, do you sit in your little boat and allow it to remain in the hot sun and shrivel you?  No, a thousand times no.  Grab the oar of faith and the other oar of obedience and row for dear life out of there…”

Next time, I’ll share more of this letter – literally, a slice of life.


One comment on “pages of a letter; for such a time as this.

  1. What a beautiful treasure Pamela…I love when the Lord does those kinds of things for us…Isaiah 49:14-16 has been my anchor through the dry and tough places this year…He has me engraved on the palms of His hands…

    Love you!

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