You’re never as right as you think you are — and — you’re never as wrong as you think you are. Deep down, I know this — and you probably know this, too. But we, too often, get stuck dwelling on our dilemmas or grieving over our losses. We get stuck, too, in maintaining our ‘rightness’ and fail to stop and consider our ‘wrong-ness’ about a matter.
And then someone comes along and after hearing part of the story, illuminates the darkened or obscured side of the matter. And then we see, much to our regret, that maybe, just maybe, we’ve been wrong about that matter after all. Wise counsel is invaluable. Impartial counsel, even more so.
If you remember this next week and you’ll be miles ahead of the pack.
But the pack just might still believe they’re more right than you. Maybe they’ll even think that your wrongs are worse than their wrongs. Worse yet, maybe they’ll convince you to believe that your wrongs are the worst wrongs. That last one’s usually the devil, by the way. Most of us a pretty good at defending our right to be right.
Truth is, the answer is usually somewhere in the middle — but we’re usually too right or too wrong to see that.
When these different scenarios happen to me — or happen in my life — I don’t usually want to do the necessary. The necessary is to look at the situation from their perspective. And then to ask the question: is there any truth in this? Usually I’ll find that, yes, there is a smidge of truth — just a smidge. If that’s my finding, then I’ve learned that sometimes I’m being too prideful to objectively consider the problem. I then need to ask a next question and it is this: if they were me and I were them, what would I think? Hmmm? Hmmm. Perhaps I am wrong. Okay, yes, I am wrong.
When I come to this revelation, then I know I’ve got to do whatever I can to make that situation right. Regardless the outcome, I need to, so far as it depends on me, do whatever it takes to make the situation right. I need to get myself in such a state as that I am not seeking to defend my rights or to point out their wrongs. And, that’s so NOT easy sometimes — especially when we perceive we have a legitimate reason for our behaviour or that that person has some of their information wrong.
There’s always more to the story. More to a situation than meets the eye. And usually, we’d both come to the same conclusions had we all the facts in the beginning.
In a houseful of various personalities, you’ll have lots of opportunities to practice these experiences — lots of occasions to instruct others about them, too. I have found it’s so much easier to teach this to others than to experience this personally. But I can relate these lessons to others, though, because I know them experientially.
Just remember: You’re never as right as you think you are — and — you’re never as wrong as you think you are.