I thought I’d write a bit tonight — perhaps an update of sorts or maybe just an “I’m checking in” sort of post. Whatever it might end up being, suffice it to say, I’ve missed blogging, I’ve missed this sort of portal to the world and I’ve missed looking for things that might encourage, inspire or give some help or hope to someone else.
I could not have known as I wrote my last blog entry that that night my life or, rather, life for our family would take such a dramatic turn or that we would face something for which we were absolutely and completely unprepared. Not lost on me is the irony of the timing of the content and, thus, the subject of my last post – “Rejoice with me.” As a matter of fact, I’m in awe of the marvelous presence of the Lord.
I had been reading emails from readers, thinking of events in the past and current trials friends were experiencing. I could not have known a storm was brewing and about to break over our home. As I was reading emails, I decided to look into Luke 15 — which was, incidentally, near to where I was reading in my personal study [in a series of events I now marvel were quite obviously of the Lord].
So, these have been 94 of the most arduous and sorrowful days I have ever faced or experienced in my whole life. Perhaps I’ll write about them sometime, but for now, I just wanted to communicate that we’re experiencing joy in the Lord like we’ve never known and, at the same time, a sorrow we cannot fully articulate and some days feel we cannot bear. It is in those times we know the Love of the Saviour afresh and His loving kindness and presence is our All in all.
I pray my next post will not be a quote from the Scripture, though it would be, but an enthusiastic request: rejoice with me. In the meantime, I would ask that if it comes to your mind, I’d appreciate prayer for a precious lost little lamb.
God bless you all.
“It will be worth it all when we see Jesus… life’s trials will seem so small, when we see Christ – one glimpse of His dear face, all sorrow will erase, so bravely run the race, till we see Christ.”
I had your post again~ Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. I pray for strength for you and that the Lord would give you a peace that passes understanding.
I read you entry with mixed emotions. I will say a prayer for you and yours. It is a hard time for so many myself and our family included…this growing and stretching we all must go through does not make it easier but we know that we are not alone. I really do hope you will share with us what you may be going through..sometimes it is good to know we are not alone but that others really do care.
Thinking of you and your family often. Wow…you are so important to me and I have never “really” met you.
I DO pray for you a LOT!
By the way, my 17 year old is so interested in serving at the Amani Baby Cottage! Right now, however, she is collecting baby and children’s clothing to send to a gentleman in Kenya to distribute to needy family there! She is buying things and paying for the postage on her own!
I appreciate your witness and example you are setting…even when things don’t go the way we want them to.
Sometimes I feel like it isn’t fair when our families and loved ones don’t do what we have raised them to do and what God wants them to do. We have that situation in our family with some step children who know better!! Sometimes I feel like giving up but that is just what Satan wants us to do. He knows he can’t have US but he can stifle us and hinder us. We can’t let him, can we??
Lots and lots of love sent to you!
Oh how I miss you!!! Looked for you at retreat, at conference….where oh where did you go? Praying for you and the Lord’s sweet presence. xoxo
Keri Mae
I feel the intense heart ache with which you wrote that entry–I will lift you up, your family up, to our Father in Heaven. Our family too went through an indescribable heart-break–one that I thought would never visit our Christ-honoring home. Praise the Lord, He is a God Who heals.